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Party Considerations

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 4:37 am
by Kassaras
Hello every one!
I have a party conssting of
Me (Assassin)
Valygar (to be changed in TOB)
Would it be a good idea if i dropped Jaheira for HaerDalis?
Thanks in advance

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 4:53 am
by Absolute
I don't like either Jahiera or Haer Dalis. I think that you'd be better off with Keldorn (yes I know he's a p***k, but his dispel magis rocks), or Mazzy (great ranged fighter with short bow & will eventually become a good backup melee fighter if you give her a strenght enhancing item and start piling proficiency points in long sword). Besides, some of the interactions between Mazzy & Korgan are great fun.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 5:01 am
by Kassaras
Thaks but I am trying to run an evil/neutral party and I think that Keldorn does not really fit in there.He also kills Viconia as I have heard!!!!!!!!
Mazzy?Will she not leave the party if you side with Bodhi instead of the shadow thieves?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 5:11 am
by Astafas
Rather you drop Valygar for H'D - you already have a great fighter (Korgan; with Jaheria an H'D as backup) and a great backstabber (yourself). Druid spells aren't exactly the same as clerical one so I recommend keeping both a cleric and a druid. Don't be afraid to mix alignements, that makes for interesting dialogues!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 5:27 am
by Absolute
Hostile interactions between NPCs have been greatly reduced in TOB. NPCs are less prone to leave your party or kill each other.