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Balor's in Hell

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 7:51 am
by Crypt_Fiend
I am having trouble with those Balor's that actually look like pit fiends. anyone got any stategy for that battle?
Is that the final battle?

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 8:41 pm
by Nick_Dude
are you in the Underdark right now?

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2000 6:41 am
by Weasel
The best way IMHO is before you place the last tear is to summon what ever you can and place them by the walls.Then move everybody back and have someone place the tear.Then try to take them out from a distance.Concentrate on one at a time while your slayer has it out with Irencus.Just keep your slayer in the fight long enough to to give the rest of the party time to take out the pit fiends.Also try to bring down Irencus protection as soon as possible,that's more important than anything else. As to is this the final battle i'm not going to ruin the game for you .

(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2000 4:37 pm
by Maurice
It doesn't matter where your party members are BEFORE placing the tear ... once Irenicus appears, a scripted event will place 'm right in front of his nose. I recommend you run the ones you don't want close AWAY as soon as you regain control.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2000 6:00 pm
by Weasel
I stand corrected.But there is things you can do before you place the tear.I found IMC that the summoning help pull the majority of pitfiends away from my party.

(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2000 8:44 pm
by Elenias Nal'nair
as for Irenicus : use Arrows Of Dispelling great!

[darn I think it's the arrows of misspelling Image ]

[This message has been edited by Elenias Nal'nair (edited 12-23-2000).]

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2000 12:36 am
by Crypt_Fiend
I lured the slayer (irenicus) to me and turned into the slayer myself. All i did was go upto him with all my other party members and beat the sheat through him with minsc at the end dealing 52 damage to his sorry asssssss

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2000 5:35 pm
by Seabass
As long as you have some beefed up fightas this battle isnt hard at all... I made it on the first attempt with korgan, minsc, valygar... They just chopped em up... Irenicus seemed to have teleported to the lower part, separating hismelf from the current battle, so I could take out all the demons without him breathing down my back. Then when I came to him I just did some breach spells and down he went.