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How not to be level drained the easy way

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2001 12:22 pm
by jailbait
Hello all,

There are tons of protection from undead scrolls out there and they last turns my friend and only cost roughtly $1200 a pop, which is what you pay for one restoration scroll. Wiht protection from undead they don't hit you and if they don't hit you they don't drain levels.
There is a glitch in the game with them. Mag res will kill them from casting so make sure if you have mag res via items to take them off for a sec. It became very obvious that Bhodi in the first fight is unkillable with an improved haste 6 attacks a round STR 19 fighter taking no damage as Bhodi just stood there. I did over 500 points of damage and then she finally said she was tired of all this and left.

I cleared out the whole Undead cavern with hardly a scratch, and that from spells.

You have money go buy potions and scrolls!! especially if you solo

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2001 2:31 pm
by Xyx
Watch out with this trick when you have to talk to the undead in question to progress the plot. Kangaxx is an example. If he won't talk to you, you can't kill him (except with the Mind Flayer drain, of course).

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2001 1:00 am
by TheDude
same thing with the lich in Twisted Rune.
if u have Prot. from undeath the lich won't talk to u so his friends won't show up.
so no Staff of the Magi

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2001 2:06 pm
by BilboTheHobbit
Well you could try the amulet of power you get from Aran, or rage ability... or negative plane protection.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 8:28 am
by Bloodstalker
Or try an Undead Hunter

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 8:38 am
by Callimar
Indeed, and Undead Hunter is more than useful against those bloody vampires, and other such bastards who dare to drain my levels. Oh, one question about those liches... So far I've found 3 liches in Athkatla, though only 2 have those golden stuff on them. I've a feeling I should be getting a golden head as well as the legs/ arms and torso. The ones with the golden items I found in the Bridge district, opposite the kidnappers' house, and the other I found in the old tunnels next to the exiled cultist fellow, Sursit or some such. The other lich I found was for some reason inhabiting a secret room in the Crooked Crane, but he didn't seem to have anything on him. Where's the other one?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 8:40 am
by Red Inquisition
You only need the legs, arms and torso.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 8:53 am
by Callimar
Are the legs and arms the same piece? And if so, what do I do with them now?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 9:34 am
by Red Inquisition
IIRC you need to go to the house next to me'vars(sp) guildhall in the docks district.