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A couple questions

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 8:36 pm
by siber
Does playing alone in multi-player (want a custom designed party) run slower than in normal single player for everyone? cos mine seems to run _really_ crap, the framerate feels like im playing on a 486 or something. Sorta feels the same in single too,really chug's along and drops to what feels like below 10 FPS in battles, even though i have everything set to below average PC specs, although im running it on a Duron 800/voodoo3/128SD, in 800x600.

Is it possible to play the entire game through with 6 custom made char's and not take in any NPC's?


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 9:24 pm
by KensaiRyu
To your last question about finishing game with 6 custom characters: Yes it is possible to beat the game with just 1 character going solo, so a custom party shouldnt have much difficulty. My first time through with a custom party i made a party of 4 half-orc bezerkers with 19 str and 19 con and a Kensai half-orc (19 str again), and an Elf Sorceress. Needless to say, by the time i got to the underdark i was killing things so fast i got bored.One of the good things about the npcs is they balance the game more so u dont end up up with a killer party like that, buts its fun to make your own group.
I also had problems with slowdown, only thing i could do to fix that really worked was changed resolution to 640 by 480.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 12:36 am
by sigurd
A party of 3 ownmade characters is MUCH stronger (when it comes to completing the game) than a PC and 5 NPC, so it just gets boring. And you miss the NPC dialogues.

I heard you can copy a multiplayer save to singleplayer save, that should help

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 12:59 am
by Sarcas
There is something wrong with your computer, I was playing BG2 on my celeron 450 voodoo 3 2000, 128 mb ram 800*600 and all performance sliders in the middle and I must say that I encountered a few slow-downs in a big battles but otherwise the game was playable. Now i have Duron 800, Voodoo3 2000, 256 RAM Game runs on 800*600 all performance full and it runs smooth as hell. Try to defrag your hd (windows drive AND game drive). Make sure that u have latest drivers and direct x installed. Also make sure that u have 3d support set to glide (bgconfig.exe)

Hope this helps

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 1:08 am
by Radek
1. I have found a message elsewhere that BG2 works like a computer worm :eek: (!) It is reported that it consumes resources and memory and do not release them when you quit the game. This results in jerking and slowdown after several quits and restarts. Quit the game and check your resources.
2. When playing multiplayer, your game performance suffers from the network overhead. This also slows your game. Create your home made party, save the game, and copy the saved game to a single player session. Play from single player session.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 4:34 am
by siber
Sarcas: Maybe the extra RAM you have makes a difference. I don't think there's anything wrong with my PC as other games like Q3A, UT, Myth 2 etc run fine. But yeah i may have to defrag n stuff. Thx for the tips guy's i will definitely play from single player mode now.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 7:27 am
by Sarcas
It sure make a difference, but seems that my old configuration runs better than yours