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How do I get Dermin to appear so I can kill him?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 12:16 am
by Ekental
How do I get Dermin to appear so I can kill him? (SPOILER)

In Jaheira's harper quests, after you rescue Jaheira from harper hole Dermin should appear after like 2 weeks. I've already spent something like 30 days of in-game time just resting or somesuch on waiting stuff and I can't take it anymore, so does anyone know the variable to set to get the guy to appear so I can KILL him?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 3:37 pm
by Shadrach
Dermin is triggered by the Jaheira romance, but because the Jaheira romance is extremely complex, this section can happen even if you're not romancing her. However, the game still thinks of it as part of her romance. Therefore, it follows the same romancing rules: not just game time, but real time, too. Pause the game, then go watch a movie or something. He should show up soon.

I don't exactly remember when he shows up, but many of Jaheira's quests occur upon resting in wilderness areas, i.e. Druid Grove, Sun Temple, and Windspear & Umar Hills. A rather useful but very spoilerish romancing guide is also available here.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:59 pm
by iamweaver
I went back and re-did the past of section 6 after reading thru FAQs and such, since I found out that my Jaheira romance had stalled from this bug, plus, I didnt have the Ring of Gaxx (tho my clueless 14th level characters conquered the Twisted Rune and got the staff before heading to Spellhold because I didn't know it was stupid to do - beginner's luck, I am positive.)

The [url=""]Romance Guide[/url] from Sorcerer's Net talks about several in-game variables that you might tinker with using the CLUAconsole or SK - I tried a number of times and eventually got lucky waiting in Windspear Hills; the other Dermin encounters were in the city for me. For the romance, it got stuck a number of times on an even numbered LoveTalk count, probably waiting for Dermin, the bastwitch. You might be able to set the "DERMINSPAWN" and "DERMINAPPEAR" global variables and force him to appear, too (I don't know what the NPC name for him is in the code - it might NOT be dermin :( ). I do NOT have a saved game between the next-to-last Dermin talk and the fight, so I don't know what the value of the variable is (< 9 and > 3; I think 4), and I don't know the value of the DERMINAPPEAR variable, either - bah. I have 3 values; 5454050, 5450574, and 10372184 after the fight