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3 Questions & Spoiler Needed

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 2:46 pm
by LA GemDrgnBabe
Ok, I've been away from my game for a while, but, am back at it again. I'm having some problems that I seriously need help with. Image

1) I can't get to to the Windspear Hills for some reason or other. I met Nalia early on in the game, & didn't go there right away, so I could complete other quests first. Now I want to go there to gain more strenth & experience & can't get there!!! Image Why is this happening? Is it a glitch & what can I do to fix it?

2) Where the heck is that thing that Edwin wants us to find in the Graveyard District? I've looked all over for it, & can't seem to find it!! Image

3) I still can't kill those vampires & have had Anomen cast Negative Plane Protection on Edwin, & have had Edwin cast Fireball, cloudkill, stinking cloud & anything else I can think of but, the most that happens is that thy're badly injured, & they still come out & drain him 1 or 2 levels!!!! Image I need a serious spoiler for this, & am at a loss for what to do next!!! Image

Any help that I can get is greatly appreciated!!!! Image Thanks in advance for all the help any of you can give me!!!! Image

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 3:03 pm
by Locke Da'averan
1) i believe you know that you must go to city gates before you can go any place outside town. Try going to city gates again
I had the same trouble, it worked after going to city gates the second time, i got the merchant who was arguing with some man near crooked crane's entrance (don't know if that had any effect but it worked after i was able to go outside once i aided the merchant.

2) i believe it's underground in the same southern passage as korgan's quest, instead of going south from the crossing (after going from the secret door that has pharaos face on the floor), go east (there should be a sarcophagus that you can "click" to get a skeleton warrior appear)

3)It would help to know if you have any fighters in your party...
But this works nearly on every encounter...
Cast few webs on a place you know there's enemies, cast greater malison just to be sure, remember before doing this to put fireballs on every slot your mages have, and blast away... if that's not enough you can finish them off with magic missiles, or any other offensive magics

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 3:15 pm
by TheHellion
Nalia doesn't give you the quest to go to the Windspear Hills. She wants you to go to the D'Arnise Hold, which should be on your map if you chose to help her.

A man in the Copper Coronet named Jierdan Firkragg gives you the quest to go to the Windspear Hills. Try talking to him if you'd like to pay a visit there.

Try leading with a fighter-type instead of Edwin. Anomen should do the trick nicely; have him wear the Amulet of Power that you got from Aran Linvail earlier on, and he'll be immune to the vampire's level drain. Some of the tougher vampires (Tanova, Lassal, any named vampire) might have magic resistance, so stick to physical attacks if spells don't seem to have much effect. Lastly, try backing Anomen up with some Magic Missles and Melf's Acid Arrows. They're low-level spells, so Edwin can memorize a lot of them. Since they offer no saving throw and hit automatically, the damage they inflict can really stack up. Hope this helps. Image

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 3:16 pm
by LA GemDrgnBabe
1) I did go to the city gates more than once to try & get out of there to go to the Windspear Hills & have had no luck. Image

2) I didn't see Pharoah's face anywhere. Image I looked through the entire area & don't see it anywhere. I'm in the room at the north east area of the map right now. I also haven't seen any sarcophagus either. Is it in the southern dungeons?

3) I've got Minsc, who is a ranger, my character is a Paladin, & I've got Anomen as a Fighter/Cleric, Jaheira is a Cleric, Yoshimo my Bounty Hunter, & Edwin my Conjurer or Wizard.

Thanks in advance for your help!!!! Image

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 3:21 pm
by LA GemDrgnBabe
Hellion, ok, I'll try it & will see if I can kill them. This is a very tough battle & I've been stuck on it for a while. (one of the reasons I was away from the game for a while).

Also, if you can offer suggestions as to where I can find the picture of the Pharoah's head so I can get what Edwin wants, I'd really appreciate it! Image

Thanks to all of you in advance for any help you can give me!!! Image

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 4:06 pm
by LA GemDrgnBabe
I've got a quick question. Will it help if Edwin casts spider spawn so I can defeat Tanova? I'm not sure if it'll work & don't want to waste a spell if it won't work. Thanks so much in advance!!! Image

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 5:26 pm
by TheHellion
The Nether scroll is in the southern crypts, the entrance to which can be found in the big room with the spider hive. Just go straight south from the hive entrance, and you should come to another passageway. The crypt you're looking for is on the far east side, and is guarded by a lich. Kill it, and Edwin will get what it is he wants; well, kinda. Image

Tanova behaves more like a mage than a vampire. I don't recall the specifics, but I'm pretty sure she's got some decent magic resistance and immunity to +2 and lower weapons. Anomen can probably take out the fledgling vampire himself, especially with the Mace of Disruption, so concentrate everyone else on Tanova. She'll start out with protective magics, so your first priority is to get rid of those. Breach is your best bet, but if you don't have that one, you can also try Spell Thrust and Remove Magic. If you have any weapons that deal elemental damage, equip those; they'll punch through Stoneskin and disrupt her spell casting.

Don't sweat it if you get a level or two drained, either. If you have a Lesser Restoration spell or scroll, you can use that to restore lost levels. All the various temples can also remove the effects of level drain. Just keep at it, and Tanova will go down.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 5:38 pm
by LA GemDrgnBabe
Ok, thanks Hellion, I'm going to try it & see what happens. I was having trouble with Anomen in front, because Tanova kept holding Anomen, my character, & Minsc too. I did have Edwin cast Remove Magic, & that did help some. I also found that casting Globe of Minor Invulnerability on Edwin also helped keep him alive longer, but, Tanova cast Remove Magic or Breach on Edwin. BTW, Edwin does have Breach too.

I have yet to go back to the spider hive, because we got our butts kicked there!!!! Image As far as the spider hive is concerned, will cloudkill or stinking cloud kill them all? I'm thinking of using it as an alternative means of killing them all, but, am not sure it will work. Image

BTW, I finally had everyone in my party beat the crap out of that stone golem in the west section of the map. Image Also, I'm curious, what does that pool of blood do if we step in it? I'm afraid to find out. It said to enter the pool if we dare. Image

Thanks so much for all your help in advance!!!!! Image

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 6:18 pm
by TheHellion
Tanova is probaby hitting you with Symbol, Stun, in which case spells and magic items that confer immunity to Hold effects won't work. Try Chaotic Commands, if Anomen has that spell. Sending Minsc into a frenzy will also make him immune to Stun. Breach will knock down every one of Tanova's protections, which should leave her wide open to attack.

Cloudkill might very well take out most of the spiders, but be prepared to take some damage yourself if you use it. If Edwin is high enough level, Death Spell is certain to massacre the lot of them. For the most part, a few good fighters is all you should need to take care of the spiders.

Be sure to go for a swim in that pool of blood. I won't spoil the surprise, but suffice to say that I've already mentioned the item. It's definitely worth it. Image

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 7:45 pm
by LA GemDrgnBabe
Ok Hellion, I found what you were talking about!!!!! Image

Also, you're right, we were being hit with Stun, & something else too that was sort of lightning? It was attacking everyone in my party continuously too. What the heck was that & how do I prevent everyone in my party from being affected, even if they're hiding around the corner? Image

I'll try cloudkill with the spiders, & will have Edwin haul a** out of there too so it does it's damage & kill them. Image Edwin isn't that high enough to use the death spell yet. I guess I gotta wait until he gets to be a higher level in order to use that.

If you can give me some ideas on how to keep my party safe from the lightning bolts, I'd really appreciate it!!! Image Thank you so much for all your help in advance!!! Image

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 7:59 pm
by mizuno
equip the mace of disrption +1 at the moment, or upgrade it to +2 with illithium(count as +5 against undead!!) and it has Nagetive plane protection to whoever equip it, really the best weapon when you play CH3(if you aginst Bodhi) and CH6, haha(a bit spoiler) mace of disruption +2 is my favourite weapon, although it might not be the best. and remember equip the amulet of power !!! aran gave you that.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2001 8:20 pm
by LA GemDrgnBabe
Where do I find illitium? I don't think I've come across that yet. Image

Anomen is wearing the amulet of power already, but, I was thinking of giving the mace of disruption to Minsc, since he needs it more than anyone else. Image

Thanks in advance for all your help!!! Image

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 2:00 am
by Loredweller
well, it was Ch.II, IMHO, i've done those vamps first time, standard party (protagonist kensai(7)/mage(9), Jahera, Minisc,Ariel,Yoshimo, Nalia). The most main tool was Jahera's fire elemental with chaotic commands on him (to prevent charming, and Tanova hasn't Death spell) with support of pair of raised undead. My Kensai had the Cel.Fury already and breach spell. I'd spent one Protection from undead on him, too, to be sure. There i've used a bit of exploit in game, i.e. AI rare switches the target when already engaged. The rest was simple - elemental and skeletons begin the battle while some magic missiles cause some trouble with protective spells, then, while that vampmage was busy with my pets (2 dogs in additon to main forces), hasted (by potion) invisible kensai with kai and holy might had the job done in three or four blows, the Fury rules!
To come by this sword took before some effort, though, nevertheless it had been worth it, esp. with the lot of exp. in addition.
P.S. I forgot to tell that my kenasi had +++++ in katana Image

[This message has been edited by Loredweller (edited 03-12-2001).]

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 2:42 am
by Private
My kensai/mage

Celestial Fury/Zerth blade (dual wielding)

+++++ in katana
+++ in dual wield

he is wearing girld of giant strength (19 str)
ring of gaxx
ring of human influence
and robe of vecna Image
Im pretty happy with him...

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 8:04 am
by LA GemDrgnBabe
But, where do I find the Ilitium? Image
My character does have the Celestial Fury, but, it doesn't work on certain monsters. My character also has Arcanes sword, which is pretty cool, & we found that other one (can't remember the name of it right now) at the city gates, along with a powerful sword scroll for Edwin. So, I might use these too, but, am wondering if I should try going to the Windspear Hills to find more things there, that could be of use to everyone in my party.

If anyone can offer any insight as to what may be there, or any other helpful suggestions to killing these vampires, (Jaheira isn't using fire elemental or chaos, I have to have her sleep on it), such as strategy in positioning my characters, I'd really appreciate it! Image

Thanks in advance for any & all help you can give me!!! Image

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 9:09 am
by Angelus
As for the ilitium, after finishing the Eyless cult quest for the Temple of Helm you get another quest to find some ilitium.
Have you ever tried the Sunray spell on the vampires? There are several items equiped with it, the sword from the city gates (Daystar) the Helm of Brilliance (not sure where you get it). Depending on his level Anomen can cast it also and he has the False Down spell (simmilar effect, but weaker). I usually cast the protection spells, walk into the midle of the vampire bunch, cast Sunray and kill the almost dead leftovers if there are any.

[This message has been edited by Angelus (edited 03-12-2001).]

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 10:03 am
by lama
I never had any problems with vampires. I just used the turn undead abilety from my priests (this is realy effective, when my priest reached level 21 I could just walk trough bodhi's lair and watch the vampires explode). The daystar works fine agains undead to.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 10:12 am
by Angelus
Turn Undead somehow never worked for me, but then again none of my priests was anywhere near level 21 when I fought them.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 3:22 pm
by mizuno
undead are my fav. enemies, never have trouble against them, the probably fear me more than buffy i think.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 4:15 pm
by Bill
Turn undead had different effects according the alingment of the priest:
Good alignment priests can turn undead (at low lvls) or destroy them at high lvls.

Evil alignment priests can gain control of undead in high lvls (e.g Viconia because she is evil).

I don't know exactly at what lvl a priest can destroy undead,but this must occur at least at lvl 15.I had an undead hunter at lvl 17 (who's turning ability acts like a 15 lvl priest) and he was able to destroy most undead (only greater mummies and the various vampire "spellcasters" in Bodhi's lair were resistant).One thing to be determined is the possibility that Undead hunters have more powerful turning undead ability due to their kit and specialization in destroying undead (although the game manual doesn't state anything about that)

Another thing to be mentioned is that turn undead ability works also on shadows,ghouls,zombies and vampiric mists.

[This message has been edited by Bill (edited 03-12-2001).]