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Problems w/ Unseeing Eye
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2000 9:23 pm
by kathode
I'm having a strange problem with the Unseeing Eye quest. Everything went fine until I got the second half of the rod and had to fight the unseeing eye itself. It killed me with a power word before I knew what was going on. Right after I found the rod in the blob thing I quicksaved, so I just reloaded that. Well this time when I walked out, no Unseeing Eye. Nothing. I looked everywhere. It's like I killed him, but didn't get any of the xp or the loot for doing it. I went to the rift area and they acted like the rod was depleted even though it wasn't. Anyone else had something like this happen? I'll probably just have to load an old save game and redo the entire thing...
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2000 9:44 pm
by katrina
I just finished this this quest this morning.
First thing I learned is that no matter who retrieves the second half of the rod it automatically loads itself onto the PC. Then you have to put it into our quick slot to use it. I never used it so have no clue how to get the thing to work. I am going to space a bit for you in case you don't want to know the trick I used instead to get rid of that darn eye:
I had enough troubles with the gauths so I had n idea what to do about the unseeing eye himself. I sent in my PC and a summoned Fire Elemental (left the other guys in the first chamber). The character would stay back out of sight while the fire elemental did the dirty work (in the cxase of the unseeing eye the Power Word fails on the elemental and he get sweapon unaffective on most hits while the ellie just pounds away.)
After the fire elemental took care of the beholder in the chamber I stuck the elemental in the tunnel while I went to retrieve the loot. Elemental killed unseeing eye and I didn't even use the device!!
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2000 4:42 am
by Maurice
I didn't have this error, and yes, he did sneak up on me as well, killing me by surprise. I reloaded, prepared for him, and that time he didn't catch me off guard.
To use the assembled rift device, place it in one of your quickslots. Then, when the Eye got into view, click the quickslot, and target the Eye. This will reduce him to 1 hitpoint; anything you then throw at him will take care of him. Make sure though that when using it, you don't get hit, otherwise you'll waste that one and single charge on the device.