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Dual fighter/magicuser in TOB

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2001 1:18 pm
by UberJason
I was wondering if anyone has an idea about what level is best to dual a figheter to a wizard for TOB? I've heard 7 bandied about as that is the level you can get and still advance fully as a mage.


Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2001 1:30 pm
by Jhareth of house Noquar
I plan on dualing a fighter over to mage at level 13. When maxed out on xps, this will be a 13/28 Fighter/Mage. I'll miss out on a couple of the 10th lvl spells, but my HPs, THACO, and melee capability easily make up for a few less spells. Also, at 13th lvl, your fighter gets 2 attacks per round.