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Demon Knights

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2000 10:05 am
by Sephiroth777
Are there any decent ways to kill the five Demon Knights in Kuo-Toa Dungeon ? When they appear, half of my party instantly receives fear, and another helf catches PW:K shortly after......any advice ?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2000 11:02 am
by Nighthawk
Several ways. Keep most of your party out of the area and send in a bunch of summoned creatures. You should be able to deal with just the lower 2 knights before you have to worry about the upper ones.

Also, take a look at Simulacrum in the strategy section and use the Protection from Magic scrolls on a couple fighters if you have them.

You could also try making the sacrifice, clearing out of the area, then throwing Cloud Kill into the area from out of sight range. If they're immune to that, try Ice Storm or Death Fog.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2000 11:09 am
by Sephiroth777
Hmm, I will try that. But it seems that they are mostly immune to magic - at least to fireballs. I don't have the magic protection scrolls and can't cast simulacrum yet, so I'll have to try the area spells......
Is there any way to protect from te fear status, by the way ?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2000 12:08 pm
by Bordin_Steelaxe
Move back to the point where there is a little "bridge" just before the room of the Dknights. Place your characters behind each others (2 and 2) and summon a few monsters. I summoned a worg (monster summoning 1), a fire elemental (Jaheira or a scroll for a sorc which is more risky though) a lesser air elemental (a sorc, though a little risk) and a berserk warrior. You can see the spot where you have to sacrifice a monster, so I moved the worg there. The DKnights get summoned and I moved Minsc (with the cloak of mirroring) to get the first DKnight. The DKnight attacked Minsc and I moved back to the party. I closed the entrance to the "bridge" with my servants and attacked the DKnight, with all kinds of spells and everything else I had... The DKnight lasted for 5 secs Image Do that with all of the DKnights and you will have an easy game...

Bordin Steelaxe
The greatest Dwarf in history!... with an axe of steel ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2000 1:59 pm
by Nighthawk
DK's are immune to fire so fireball, incendiary cloud, etc won't work on them. They also have high magic resistance so it'll take a while for cloud kill, ice storm, or death fog, but evenually it will work.

Dragonslayer and Cloak of Courage (only at the end of the game) protect from fear as well as Mazzy's special ability and the Remove Fear spell.

[This message has been edited by Nighthawk (edited 10-25-2000).]

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2000 6:04 am
by Maurice
When I did this, I only moved my strongest fighter into the room. I made sure he had every benificial spell on him, and (considering he was the only one going to fight the knights) he was having all the best equipment of my party - I later re-equipped everybody correctly. With his 'enrage' skill, he was immune to mind effects as well. As it is, I could hardly see his face anymore due to all the symbols in front of it...

His quickslots contained 15 potions of extra-healing, just in case.

Anyway, I moved a summoned creature in front of the statue (a half-ogre to be precise), while the fighter positioned himself somewhere behind the statue, near where the top-left knight would appear. This way, you'll face them at one or two at a time.

It took me two attempts, this way. In the first he got beaten up pretty bad, because he suddenly faced four knights at once (my mistake), but I prevented that the next attempt. Then he really 'put the boot to the behind of evil'.