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Can i get the pre-release from somewhere still??? ok i know that sounds dumb

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2000 2:06 pm
by Cyphus
but i really want the xtra stuff.
plz plz plz plz

well, i screwed up, missed a head off the flail of ages, missed some other items, and started again. WAAAAAAAAAAAAHWAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2000 2:54 pm
by Nighthawk
Officially: No. I even wrote Bioware and Interplay trying to BUY the extra CE disk and they wouldn't let me. (I had the Bonus disk, thought I was getting both with my game but didn't).

However, if you watch the forums people post links to them from time to time. (Look down a couple pages for "Get the two extra shopkeepers")

[This message has been edited by Nighthawk (edited 10-26-2000).]