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Funny discovery.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2000 10:43 pm
by Equis
I was ingame taking a screenshot tonight and out of random boredom, I attacked and killed a civilian. Well, Minsc and Aerie weren't too impressed and told me how they felt. I, in turn, showed them how I felt about how they felt and attacked them. =D

This quickly devolved into a party free for all, just mild entertainment for me when the game decided to add its own comments.

Text appeared on the screen and a voice over the speakers, stating completely random comments like "I use to be a Moonblade once" and "Choke up you dilt, get a grip".

I guess the Dev. Team got a bit bored themselves. =)

Equis - Editor
Make your Gaming Scream!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2000 1:01 am
by Bordin_Steelaxe
Erm... Hehe Image

No, it's the talking 2handed sword that you surely gave to Minsc Image

But as you tell it, it sounds rather funny...

Bordin Steelaxe
The greatest Dwarf in history!... with an axe of steel ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2000 1:57 am
by Gluteus Maximus
Sounds like somebody got their hands on Lilarcor, the best sword ever. Too bad Minsc never seems to respond to it, maybe they can make him and the sword have a weird relationship in the expansion or something. Not that he doesn't already have a weird relationship with Boo.....

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2000 3:56 am
by Maurice
"You know ... long time ago .. I used to be, hehe, a moonblade"

"And this is for grandmother, who said I would never amount to anything better than a butter knife!"

"My brother is a +12 Hackmaster!"

"We got a gusher!"

"Let's throw a coin in that fountain!"

"Let's kill ehh .. that over there!"

"You know, as a sword, I'm pretty one-dimensional in what I wa-ant!"

"My previous owner used to say I was sharp and edgy ... he was such an arse!"

"Can we go kill something now, please ... huh??"

"How about now? ... Now?"

[This message has been edited by Maurice (edited 10-27-2000).]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2000 9:34 am
by Equis

You know that moment of clarity you have just before you fall asleep? Well it dawned on me what was happening just as I was falling asleep last night.

I thought about getting up and changing my post, but then decided what the hell. People would probably get a kick out of it anway. =D

Equis - Editor
Make your Gaming Scream!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2000 2:34 pm
by Bordin_Steelaxe
Hehe Image

Lilarcor is REALLY the coolest sword in the game Image And you're right that Minsc and the sword are the best partners and that Minsc should respond, though I have to add that Jan Jansen tells the coolest and funniest stories! I'm close to tears because I laugh so much Image

Did you know that Jan Jansen tries to charm ALL girls in the game? Pretty cool, eh?

Bordin Steelaxe
The greatest Dwarf in history!... with an axe of steel ;)

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2000 1:33 am
by KidD01
Hmmm....interesting foundings Bordin mate...I think i'll try to pick up Jan with my current party now. I wanna see how he gets along with Jaheira, Aerie and Viconia.

They can only kill me with golden bullet !