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Need Help W Beholder and Gauths

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 10:18 am
by Tutoric
My whole party has been whacked completely on at least ten attempts to take out the Beholder and his 2 gauth buddies in the Unseeing Eye quest. I have tried several different methods and get annihilated every time. I need something concrete and from what I've been told the best way is with the Baldurans Shield that you supposedly can get at from Ribald but he doesn't have one in inventory.
Where else can I get the shield or what tactic can I use without it?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 10:25 am
by The_Pope
You need the Bonus Merchants file. If you have installed it, there is another merchant added in the Adventurer's Mart (she has the Shield of Balduran), and one in the Copper Coronet.

You could also just wait until you're at a higher level, as the Unseeing Eye quest is quite hard in the beginning. Trust me, I know, I was level 9...

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 10:27 am
by Tutoric
What is the bonus merchants file?
I did find another merchant in the Adv. Mart but all she had was scrolls no hardware.
Should they still have the shield at the Coronet?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 10:29 am
by Drakron Du´Dark
The shield is not on Ribald but on a bonus merchant called Diedre that is the same shop (note: the bonus merchants are avaible to download in here, the Gamebanshee site on the BG II page, the bonus merchants were avaible in the collectors ediction and the pre-order ediction)
That is the easier way to get pass those pesky beholders.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 10:35 am
by Tutoric
Sorry, to be a moron, but I cannot find where in this site to download the bonus merchants. I have a store bought copy of the game and doubt I have it.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 11:03 am
by Shrylia
Hey...don't waste you money.
Cst a crew of monsters/fire elements and then make one of your crew invisible sneak up until the beholders are visible...send in the monsters and the beholders will focus their attack on them and have very low thaco and will probably be wiped can just stand back and keep sending in the clowns...they won't use their big blast on a summoned monster...just stay back or invisible...

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 11:03 am
by Bloodstalker
Summon fire elementals and sic them on the beholders and about a fire elemental can take out many gauths before he is killed....most of the time he gets unsummoned first.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 11:29 am
by Angelus
If you still need the bonus merchants they are [url=""]here[/url]

The shield of Balduran is defently not a waste of money, you'll meet a lot of beholders later in the game, with the shield you can just stand there and let them kill themselfs.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 11:35 am
by dafreak
another good way, if you have yoshimo in your group, is to set up snares. then send in your mage and set off a fire ball in their area and run. they will come to attack you and the snares will do quite a bit of damage. Throw in some cloudkill if you like. just a suggestion. I never had that shield and I still killed the beholders.


Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 11:51 am
by TheDude
just use fire elementals and skeleton warriors are also extremly good vs beholders and gauths.
stupid thing was that i realised that almost ad the end of the game :( :D :D :D :D
- Out of my way if ya don't want a fireball up your ass -

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 1:00 pm
by Tutoric
Thanks for the tips but I am going to get the shield (plenty of gp saved up).

I have tried fire elementals and they get wiped out too so I don't know what I am doing wrong there and summoned creatures get wiped out too.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 1:14 pm
by fable
Skeletal creatures shouldn't be too badly abused by beholders, and I think they're immune to mind attacks.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 2:08 pm
by The_Pope
@Dafreak: That was not a spoiler. Spoilers tell people about stuff they don't wish to know, like twists in the plot. In this thread, the original poster asked for a tactic to defeat those beholders, so you can easily answer without mentioning "SPOILER". Of course, if what you reply includes other important things/happenings/knowabouts of the game, like Yoshimo's xxxxxxxx, then you should mention it. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. :D

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 2:14 pm
by remyc
well the one thing i found useful was to throw on a bunch of protection spells like mirror image, protection from petrification, death ward, spell immunity (abjuration stops the nasty spells i think), spell turning, globe of invulnerability etc beforehand.

holy smite was just great all those beholder type things are evil they never seemed to make their save vs holy smite and took double 20s damage per cast. viconia protected from magic energy is pretty tough to bring down. nalia can protect herself well enough vs them for quite a long time too.

unless the beholder whips out his antimagic ray heh heh heh but with luck he should soon be running.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2001 3:42 pm
by Kovi
Easiest way: Baldurian Shield or Protection from Magic. Still easy way: summon some lower creature (to catch the death spells) then send in some Skeleton Warriors or Mordenkainen's Swords (high magic resistance).
Hard way: cast protection from petrification, spell immunity: enhancement (against charm/domination), spell immunity: necromancy (against death ray/cause serious wounds). The bad news is that you cannot escape from anti-magic ray (strangly enough spell immunity: abjuration doesn't help here), fortunately it cannot dispels the spell immunities.

[ 04-19-2001: Message edited by: Kovi ]

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2001 6:13 am
by Tutoric
Bought the shield, hasted, and took out the beholder and both gauths before the shadows came in to help and then had the rest of the party come in to help finish them off.

Movin on! Thanks for all the suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2001 7:41 am
by Steve
I used Death fog & cloudkill and cast these spells out of visible Range using my thief hiding in shadows to determine the Beholders & gauths beforehand. I cast it around about the section where you need to Remake a bridge by answering 3 riddles. the gauths and beholders will try to attack but they can only come up the stairs one at the time. the party can then swarm them like this and they are easy to kill. Because of the Fog/cloud spells they are already badly injured.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2001 7:59 am
by onthepequod
I know it has been said before but here goes – FIRE ELEMENTALS. I summoned two and sent them toddling off in the direction of the Gauths and Beholders and ..... they cleaned house!!! Bless their little hearts.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2001 2:26 pm
by vbarash
Personally, I DID beat the wole dungeon at level 11. This is higher than lvl 9, but all I met in the place was like two gauths near the manisfestation temple, four more AND a beholder in the very last beholder tunnels, and, of course, the Unseeing Eye. So I was a bit disappointed, esp. after trying to smthng like 7/8 gauths AND 3/4 beholders the first time, with (obviously) higher lvl chars.
The second time I beat the Uns. Eye quest wasw with a combo of skell's and fire elem's. For some reason, if you attack gauths with a skell, THEY DONT USE SPELLS (I know skells are resistant, but not THAT much). Then all you need is one fire elemental. The Gauths will kill two or three skells, but they won't kill four, and meanwhile your elem is pounding on them. Worked every time...

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 8:14 am
by Nighthawk
Lots of ways to deal with them, most of these have been mentioned... (new at bottom)

Shield: Easiest if you have the bonus merchants.
Cloak: If you've been to the underdark and back
Protection from Magic: But only 2 scrolls in the game without using Project Image or Simulacrum
Fire Elementals/Skeletons: Both are immune to cause wounds spells which are the primary weapons of the beholders/gauths.
Spell Immunity Necromancy: Gives you the immunities of the Fire Elementals/Skeletons.
Long Range Cloudkill: Works for almost anything, but cheesy. At least they're smart enough to come after you (unlike dragons).
Magic Resistance: Use 2 of the Potions of Magic Resistance that Roger sells in the sewers. 1 is enough for Vic, Paladin w/ Carsomyr or level 14+ monk.
Sneak past: You really only need to fight 1 beholder or gauth (depending on your level) to complete this quest. This is the way I did it with my solo monk. Most likely you need glitter dust or invisibility 10' to do it with a party.

Note: Beholders have a ray that can kill through a Protection from Magic scroll. Kevin has this listed in his bug section. If you're lucky they won't use it or the character will make the save.

[ 04-23-2001: Message edited by: Nighthawk ]