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Need an advice!

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 5:59 pm
by SP101
I started a new game (my 4th game on BG2, the first with ToB installed) a couple of day ago and I'm building up my party right now.

Here's the party :
Me, Multi-Classed Half-Elf Figther/Totemic Druid*
Solaufein, Multi-Classed Drow Fighter/Mage
Tashia, Half-Elf Sorceress
*I used SK for this one

I'm now at the end of the Underdark chapter and I just realised than, now that Yoshimo is dead, I don't have any thieft. I could just take damages for traps and knock doors with the Crom Feyrs or the lvl2 wizard spell, but I don't know if I'll need a thieft in ToB. I want to make a small party, 3 members just looks great to me. Maybe I should take Sarevok and dual him to a thieft...

BTW : I love Tashia's lil' pet. Time Stop Immunity own :p

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:28 pm
by FireLighter
yes, you will need a thief for ToB, and sarevok wont cut it... mainly because you will need about 100+ pnts in find trap/pick locks to get most of the stuff... and a lot of those traps will hurt BAD.

S P O I L E R (highlight to read)
You can bring people to you in your abyssal fortress in ToB, Yoshimo is one of those people even though you kill him in SoA.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 11:42 pm
by Numinor
No, even though there's the option to bring him back it won't work. The only NPCs with thieving skills available in ToB are Jan Jansen, Imoen (her thieving skills will be enough for almost all traps/locks) and Nalia (though her's are near useless)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:57 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
[QUOTE=Numinor]No, even though there's the option to bring him back it won't work. The only NPCs with thieving skills available in ToB are Jan Jansen, Imoen (her thieving skills will be enough for almost all traps/locks) and Nalia (though her's are near useless)[/QUOTE]

Imoen's can become phenomenal with a little help.









If you equip her with an item that enhance her trap detecting skill, you'll have no problem at all with traps. In that case, S101 should have picked up a ring somewhere (I will specify later if needed.) called the Ring of Danger Sense. Overall, it will will ensure her success against numerous traps in the expansion. Whether he wishes to use whoever he choses as a thief is up to him. There are plenty of items to enhance each thief skill, but they are spread out throughout different parts of the game. With Imoen, don't bother concentrating on 'Hide in Shadows' or 'Move Silently.' Casting both Improved Invisibility and Non-Detection will be enough to ensure her to be unseen by most foes AND be able to give a decent backstab attack. Besides, Improved Invisibility provides some cover even after she were to make an attack.

I definitely suggest Imoen over Nalia. Her thief skills are attrociously low (though her initial Thief levels are low as well), so she is meant more to be a spellcaster. Jan is meant to be a balance between the skills of thievery and spellcraft. Imoen is shifted more towards being a mage, but she is still very capable at what a thief does best: opening locks and taking care of traps.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:06 am
by SP101
I know you can't spawn Yoshimo in ToB (A friend told me).

I think I'll take Imoen... I played with her only once, and I had Jan Jansen with me too. Every game so far I played with Jan Jansen, so It would be a nice idea to take Imoen back when I'll be out of the Underdark... but her level will be sooooo low :(

Is she a great Backup Mage??? I already have Tashia for the spell-disabling and summonings, and Solafein for self/party buffing.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:21 am
by Nightmare
Immy is a decent mage. You can always use CLUA or SK to raise her XP to your own levels. Going through with my current party, mine was at around 1.5 million XP, while she only had about 400,000. I raised her's to about 1.3 million, so she wouldn't be badly behind but enough for roleplaying purposes.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:25 am
by SP101
I'll use SK for this... My party is around 2.2M xp right now... so she'll need it :)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:44 am
by GNGSpam
I got imoen in my most recent game with experience ranging from 2.5 (anomen) to 2 (me) to 1.5 (edwin). Imoen came in with like 1.2. In the past I had always gotten her at 400,000 and had to raise her because she was 3 times less then everyone else. Just seemed to be an unworkable gap. This was the first time I noticed her scaled up. Since she was only a little behind Edwin I didn't bother raising her up this time.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:52 am
by iamweaver
Once in ToB, I checked out the other NPCs - and they were automatically given enough EXP to get to about 2,500,000 or so, I think. Though I had Imoen the whole SoA game, every other toon I looked at was given the EXP, so I assume that Imoen would get it as well.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:59 pm
by SP101
For those who care, Imy is now on my party :)

@Galuf the Dwarf : I've buyed MercyKiller ring, so I'm ok for Thieves skills :)