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Who to give this to??

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:39 pm
by FireLighter
Ok, I just finished the astral prison place, and i got the boots of speed and all the other goodies... heres my party


Haer Dalis - level 11 blade*

Minsc- level 9 ranger*

Jaheira- level 8 fighter 10 druid*

Yoshimo- level 11 bounty hunter

Myself- level 8 Archer 10 thief

Tashia- level 11 sorceress

Thanks ahead of time.
* means tank

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:48 pm
by GNGSpam
Well no one all the time. If only one person, or even all but one person, has the boots of speed they will be moving at a different speed then the rest. Ambush city. So don't leave them equiped at all times.

But for special situations, well, depends on the situation doesn't it? No you didn't want to hear that answer. Ok the main character, the Archer/Thief. That is your hit and run character anyways. Hide in shadows, sneak up on the group, fire some arrows, run back...OOPS! Set some traps in that corridor. Thieve's are wonderful hit and run characters, whether using backstab or bows and arrows in combination with traps. Boots of speed just ensure they can get to the traps and then the parties ahead of the enemies. Boots of speed are wonderful in combination with hide in shadows.

Also useful for running the errand type missions...

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 10:27 pm
by FireLighter
Thank you good idea to =)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:23 am
by stramoski

I always leave them on my PC, and I leave a Rod of Resurresction in his inventory. He can always put his tail between his legs and get out if the battle appears unwinnable, and bring all the NPC's back.

But I'm a chicken sometimes...

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:12 am
by nephtu
My 2gp worth

Either your scout (they have to move the most), or your main tank (so they can get in and start handing out the hurts) or the PC if you're a fraidy cat ;)