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Combat, Stealth or Magic?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:49 am
by lifeishell91
Which class do you prefer to excel in, if you choose one that is partly of 'x' and part of 'y'...etc. say so please....

I prefer ~**MAGIC**~

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:50 am
by lifeishell91
Dammit, sorry, I tried to make a poll here, sorry!

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:59 am
by beornica
I prefer ALLLLLL of them! I usually start out half stealth/half magic. Then I'll find a weapon I like to use and it's so much easier to just bash someone over the head with something than just constantly absorb their health (a fave of mine) or some other favorite spell of the week. Of course, I have to be good at most of the magicka classes very early on, because I always used to cart around TONS of potions for those long trecks through the wilderness, and they can start to weigh QUITE a bit.
Stealth is my buddy, too. There is nothing so great as having 100 sneak and being able to do whatever you please. Plus I always use light armor, and I find having a good short blade skill to be irreplacable. (especially once I pick up Keening. Or Soul Drinker)
But then there are those of us with a little less strategy in our game play, who go in with a crash boom bang and just whack 'em over the head with a big ol' axe. My husband does that. It gets very boring to watch him play.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:05 am
by fable
Combat and magic. Magic has to be a part of everything, or you'll find yourself fried, shocked, blasted, paralyzed, poisoned, and folded three ways before you can raise your weapon.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:12 am
by Garthdawg
[QUOTE=fable]Combat and magic. Magic has to be a part of everything, or you'll find yourself fried, shocked, blasted, paralyzed, poisoned, and folded three ways before you can raise your weapon.[/QUOTE]

There are ways to avoid being harmed by magic without using it yourself. You could dodge spells while charging with athletics, keep your range with a bow, or sneak up and do critical damage on someone. If you use a big enough weapon they typically won't be able to get a spell off because mages tend to have poor agility. Jinkblades (i guess you might consider these magic) can keep pretty much anything besides really high level stuff at bay.

But yeah, it's much easier to just drink a potion or levitate or something to that effect.

I like jumping out of the way of mage's spells and then shooting something back at them, typically with a few foot radius so that I don't need to aim as well.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:09 am
by Psi_RedEye22
Stealth + Combat. I don't dabble in magic, never have in Morrowind. (Buffed items obviously don't count)

Why? Glad you asked! :D

Combat. This is pretty much essential unless you have Destruction as a main skill. Bashing things is fun, and undoubtedly the most mindless, entertaining way through the game.

Stealth. Lockpicking becomes a necessity. Sneak, never used it, but im sure its helpful. Speechcraft, Merchantile, acrobatics, all marks of the hyper stealth monkey ninja booyah man.

Between these two things (and buffed items, do the main quest for every enchantment youll ever need) magic to me almost seems obsolete. not once in morrowind have i had to worry about magic, and i dont think i'll need to.

My supreme guy is a custom class Orc, a Paladin of sorts. High personality and strength, the marks of any paladin in any game. Full set of Her Hand's armor, Blade of the Nerevar (Trueflame) and Hopesfire (Amalexia's weapon). Can't screw with that, evar.

Phear the combat jockeys. ( O.o )=3=3=3=3