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What do you find fun in Morrowind?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:49 am
by Garthdawg
First, what do you like doing (fighting creatures, stealing, dialogue, advancing in faction, in level, etc...)?

Second, what limitations do you put on yourself in the game to make it more fun? Do you turn up the difficulty? Play without certain unbalancing skills? Only use creeper/mudcrab once?

I feel like I constantly abuse the game and it makes it less fun. It's similar to cheating. How do you keep it fun?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:34 pm
by beornica
I LOVE doing mission and quests. And as long as I've been playing (a year and a half) I STILL haven't even BEGUN to do all of them. I think in all this time, I've only completed Thieves' Guild, Mages' Guild, Hlaalu, Imperial Legion and Imperial Cult. I tried Redoran but one of the earliest missions got me ticked off so I quit. I'm working my way through Telvanni right now. And Temple, since I have never gotten past doing all those stupid pilgrimages. (This time I WILL!!!) And Morag Tong, I never quite get past Odaishah Yasalmibaal. I guess going that far out, I always get distracted on the way back. I haven't even completed Bloodmoon and Tribunal, I just know about them because I've watched my husband do them. (Spoils it a bit, yes, but then when I get around to it, I can do it BETTER!) So, needless to say, I can't understand how anyone can call themself the "Master" of Morrowind. it just seems to me like there's so much to do! Hence, I completely lack boredom in this game.
I DO do a few things to make things a little more difficult once I'm at a super high level, however. I turn the difficulty switch up to about 25. I use weak weapons. I WAS using a glass halberd, but now I found something even weaker and thus more fun - I think it's called the Crosier of Saint Roris? Or Lothis? I think I got it off a corpse in Dagoth Ur. It's just a crummy enchanted little staff, with maybe a max of 16 damage. I'm at 100 with blunt weapons, though, so it's not horrible.
And I'm constantly changing what I specialize in. I started off in magicka and blunt weapon. Then I switched to spear, and I had a really cool spear that I enchanted myself. (So proud!) Then short blade. Then conjuration. Now I'm thinking of getting into marksman. I have the Ring of Raven Eye, anyhow, I might as well. Maybe I'll step into Vassir-Didanat and ask Dram Bero for a daedric longbow.
Anyhow, that's how I keep things interesting. By becoming a Jill of all trades, master of ALL. It's kinda neat when you can scroll down your miscellaneous skills and they're all 60 and up. Except marksman... it's at 7 without the ring...

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:23 pm
by Garthdawg
I really like it when my skills and attributes increase. I enjoy watching my character develop. In fact, I really like character creation, figuring out what I want in my char. I don't really think finding unique artifacts is cool, and doing quests therefore aren't too rewarding.

I think the spells look really cool and I like watching fights. I like jumping from rooftop to rooftop. I get really scared in caves and ruins. I really like it when the weather's nice outside. I typically go find somewhere to sleep when it's rainy or stormy. But clear skies are wonderful.

I should keep myself away from alchemy, but its too addicting. I've luckily never been to attracted to enchant, so that keeps the game tough. I refuse to use the console, even if my character is stuck, but I'm a frantic saver. I probably save about every 10 seconds of non-menu time. I need help with ways to make playing more fun. Should I start a fighter and never save? I could just level through combat and run away from battles I can't handle.... hmm

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:43 pm
by beornica
Play a necromancer. Muwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:52 pm
by Garthdawg
[QUOTE=beornica]Play a necromancer. [/QUOTE]

What would be considered a necromancer?

Probably Orc or Dark Elf?
Clearly conjuration.
Probably mysticism, blunt weapons, whatever bound armor is, Unarmed, Illusion, Destruction & enchant...?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:29 pm
by Fallenhero
I found the easiest way to make the game fun is to raise the difficulty to 100. Then you don't have to impose too many limits on yourself, death will do it for you. One on one your high level character will still dominate but you just can't wade into a room full of monsters and expect to survive unless you drink your weight in exclusive restore healths.

I also try to limit my resting to heal while on the job and use my teleports only when the mission is over and my load is too heavy. This pushes me to use my magic items wisely and recharge them with soul gems. I like coming back from a quest with my armor dented, my magika low and only a health potion or two.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:39 pm
by beornica
Yeah, exactly. Or, to make it REALLY interesting, try playing as an Altmer. because, you know, you have to try harder. And yes, try being a necro with no armor skills except unarmored, all the magicka skills, blunt weapon and merc and speechcraft. And see what you can do with him. I think it sounds like fun! Maybe I'll do it, too...

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:55 pm
by Garthdawg
I played pretty far with the 'mage' class. It's all of the magic skills + short sword (which I never used). It gets rather cheezy though because you just smoke stuff before it gets to you. You don't need much more than levitate, mysticism and destruction (if that). But that's me being dumb again. But it is fun. Very RPable.

Meow Smilies

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:12 pm
by Dark Master
I love speculating and planning my characters, I find once they get to level 30ish I get bored of them. I've got a level 42 Breton Dark Wizard (custom class) who's skilled in heavy armour and long blade, wields a Deadric claymore enchanted with absorb health and soul trap and has deadric armour (with the helm or Orean Bear-Claw and Ebony for anything I couldn't get deadric of), and on 100 difficulty he kicks the crap out of Golden Saints with his sword, stopped with magic long ago.

A level 27 Wood-Elf archer who's currently doing the Raven Rock quests, she wields a Dragonslayer longbow from the Suran Archery mod, (didn't want a deadric one, makes it too easy), and wears glass armour.

Got a Level 18 Redguard Champion (custom class I made) who is skilled in Axe, Heavy Armour, L.Blade, Armourer, and Block, as well as a couple of other combat orientated areas, but the best bit for me comes just at the stage when you get the upper hand over the deadric ruin creatures, and you raid the shrines in search of your dream weapon, and beam home to stockpile all the deadric stuff you aren't good enough to use. Thats my favourite part, raiding the shrines and killing the Dremora Lords for their weapons, my Dark Wizard is now too strong and has the weapon, my archer isn't strong enough (didn't bother increasing endurance for ages), but my Champion is getting there.

I guess the game stops being fun when it stops being a challange, but the most fun comes just before that happens, at around level 25.


Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:06 pm
by Garthdawg
Is it possible for it to be challenging if you have really good skills and attributes but only use really crappy equipment. For example, an extremely skilled barbarian nord that wears nordic fur or some that wolf or bear armor and jabs people with chitin axes or breaks her chitin bow every shot, making armor a must have on your adventures. Sure you'll hit withevery shot, but you'll have to pump them full of 20 arrows, while backpedaling. That might be fun. You could also not make your own spells or enchantments or potions, and be forced to use the computer's crappy stuff. "Haha! I'll shoot ten fireballs at you! Oh, you're a dark elf... we'll, I guess I'll just drink my last potion of invisibility and run away like a pansy." And I'm done rambling...

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:16 pm
by HiRo11er
Good call, dawg... :)

The better you get, the more freedom you can have with your character. My current character, a bosmer, is now definitely a free spirit with spiked, punkish hair & an anti-authoritarian attitude (morag tong & thieves' guild master ++ of course), but since he's now such high level I can equip him with whatever I find cool.
He's got unarmored as a major skill, so I'm only wearing one or two items of armor, along with an expensive skirt, an extravagant shirt, and treachery & deceit. It's an outfit that I currently feel makes a real statement. It's also the look of summer, and very much a hit in the fashion industry... LOL
He's veeeery cool-looking imho... :)

I think the challenge to keeping it fun is to bump up the difficulty two points for every level you gain, and once you can consistently kick ass on difficulty 100 you know it's time for your nerevarine to 'reach the clearing at the end of the path' & retire... :)
Besides, there is always an eager apprentice waiting for his/her chance to fulfill the prophecies...

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:34 pm
by fable
The freedom to go anywhere, do anything. Completely unstructured progression. The little touches in the environment that bring it to life. And all the mods that are out there, which add so much to the game's interactivity--like Max's Complete Morrowind, which adds carpentry, sewing, leatherworking, pottery, etc, and allows you to develop new skills that create things.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:17 pm
by JesterKing
something I do for fun... well as cheap as it is every once in a while i climb (levitate... but it amounts to the same thing) vivec cantons and sharpshoot at ordinators. other than that the quests are the funnest thing to do, bethseda really knew what they were doing, they are a blast... being a pro spellcasting Death Mage i enjoy messing aroudn with magic.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 11:23 pm
by Indianasmith
I'm still a relative newbie . . .

and I've just learned the "Enchant" skill. I love using my "Ring O Health Suckage" on unsuspecting monsters, sucking their life out and adding it to my own as they flail helplessly with their weapons . . . and giving cheesy names to my enchanted weapons, like the "Black blade of Blisters", a fire-damaging ebony longsword. It's just fun stuff!

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:45 pm
by Deviazz
I was doing a House Redoran quest to silence a slanderous character in Balmora by challenging him to a duel.Forgot his name nice big house tho.So i beat him to death with my fists was fun and went up about 6 levels in hand to hand in the process.