Community? (flame lightly)
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 12:58 pm
I was reading an article today about the nature of one online community, which can be found here
This led me to question whether GB could be considered a community in the sense of being "a community of interest." At one point, I thought this was the case. However, in the last two years or so I have noticed a gradual change in the dynamic that defines GB.
GB in its current form seems less of a place to hang out and exchange ideas and more of a forum where people have no compulsion about publicly expressing their opinions, no matter how toxic, despite the negative impact it might have on other members. In my mind, this argues against GB being a community of interest because in a true community, members moderate their behavior in order to achieve group goals, such as greater intimacy or a shared sense of purpose. The prevalence of rhetoric in some of the threads that can only be described as venomous (threads having to do with the Iraq war and the recent Regan threads come quickly to mind) serve as one example that members of GB apparently see no need to moderate their behavior and therefore do not see themselves as members of a community. And please, spare me the righteous invectives about censorship, since clearly what is being discussed is behavior generated from an inner locus of control.
To give a counter-example that most of us are familiar with, I do believe that the Dark Flames represent a community of interest. Based on the article listed above and my own experiences, the DF exist within a framework that characterizes the dynamics of a community. For example, there is a common history, networks of social interactions and hierarchies, friendships, and fictive kinships. Behavior is moderated by choice and the members have demonstrated a desire to address the issues that arise in maintaining a community, even to the point of offering RL support, processing, and problem-solving.
My question is this: is GB a community of interest or is it simply a pack of small (apparently warring) factions that give the appearance of a community? Put another way, is GB an authentic gathering of individuals who are willing to work at being part of a community experience or is it merely a pseudo-community, a hunting preserve dedicated to the care and feeding of the individual ego?
This led me to question whether GB could be considered a community in the sense of being "a community of interest." At one point, I thought this was the case. However, in the last two years or so I have noticed a gradual change in the dynamic that defines GB.
GB in its current form seems less of a place to hang out and exchange ideas and more of a forum where people have no compulsion about publicly expressing their opinions, no matter how toxic, despite the negative impact it might have on other members. In my mind, this argues against GB being a community of interest because in a true community, members moderate their behavior in order to achieve group goals, such as greater intimacy or a shared sense of purpose. The prevalence of rhetoric in some of the threads that can only be described as venomous (threads having to do with the Iraq war and the recent Regan threads come quickly to mind) serve as one example that members of GB apparently see no need to moderate their behavior and therefore do not see themselves as members of a community. And please, spare me the righteous invectives about censorship, since clearly what is being discussed is behavior generated from an inner locus of control.
To give a counter-example that most of us are familiar with, I do believe that the Dark Flames represent a community of interest. Based on the article listed above and my own experiences, the DF exist within a framework that characterizes the dynamics of a community. For example, there is a common history, networks of social interactions and hierarchies, friendships, and fictive kinships. Behavior is moderated by choice and the members have demonstrated a desire to address the issues that arise in maintaining a community, even to the point of offering RL support, processing, and problem-solving.
My question is this: is GB a community of interest or is it simply a pack of small (apparently warring) factions that give the appearance of a community? Put another way, is GB an authentic gathering of individuals who are willing to work at being part of a community experience or is it merely a pseudo-community, a hunting preserve dedicated to the care and feeding of the individual ego?