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Spoiler-CW City

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:14 am
by Darreha
How are you to return from clock work city after the fight with the goddess from Mornhold ? All tellaportion spell don't work , or is there a special place to do it . I am playing on Xbox . Thanks :confused:

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:29 am
by lifeishell91
Use the ring she was carrying and select a location, first pick it up then equip it, you'll know from there.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:31 am
by Fallenhero
If and when you complete the mission, which ends the main quest, you will have no problem returning. But there is no going back once you are there, so stock up before you go.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:35 am
by lifeishell91
Yes there is, use the Barilzar's Mazed Band you get from Almalexia's Body after you kill her, you can use it to return/ go to Soth Sil, Vivec or Mournhold. :rolleyes:

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:31 pm
by Dark Master
I use Sotha Sil as a base sometimes. Just have all my stuff on display in that round room.


Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:41 pm
by Fallenhero
My, (unclear), point was that until you kill the Goddess and get Barilzar's Mazed Band you can't teleport in and out.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 2:30 pm
by Anonononomous
Barilizar's band is great for its summon too.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 3:32 pm
by Dark Master
You can, if you equip the band it will give you the option of travelling to Mournhold, Sotha Sil, or Vivec.

Sorry, the above information was a mistake on my part, I misread that what had been said, and assumed that the point was that the mazed band would not let you get out at all.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:53 pm
by JesterKing
BEFORE you get balizar's mazed band, you can use recall, cant you? I am pretty positive about that because I had to go back and get my handy dandy scrolls of windform for some retard spinning wheel. if not... your screwed. go back to last saved point, and hope you dont have to go to far. oh by the way, i never crossed the sparks falling from the ceiling, do they have any effect on you or was i just being a retard being careful not to run into any of them?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:47 pm
by Darreha
Sparks a flying

I did not notice any effect on health from the sparks , I play with my son (10 ) and I told him that I thought the ring from her body was how you can leave , kid's eh ! Thanks for the info . :p