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dual class question

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:47 pm
by flounder
I've been through BG 1 and 2 several times, and oddly enough am trying a dual class character for the first time. I started as a Bounty Hunter and dualled to a mage at level 14. Will I be able to use long swords again after I earn my thieving skills back?

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:50 pm
by SP101
Yes you will.

I dual-classed only once (And I've been trough BG2 like 5 or 6 times) but just looks at the NPCs surrounding you :

- Imoen (Thief/Mage) Can use s.bows and s.swords.
- Nalia (Thief/Mage) Same as above

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:15 pm
by flounder
I am an idiot! I guess I never really paid attention to it. Sorry about the moron post. I'm thinking I may have made a mistake from my initial Swashbuckler choice for the 1st class (although no backstab...).

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:14 pm
by Nightmare
Swashy/Fighters rock.

Stalker/Clerics were REALLY fun to play, too, until a patch by Bioware banned them, IIRC.