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Mods that should exist but for some strange reason have yet to be created.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:05 am
by beornica
Feel free to correct, Fable, if any mods are mentioned in this thread that actually DO exist.

I think there should be a mod in which all slaughterfish are actually npc's, and you can talk to them all, and even learn secrets or pick a fight with them. For instance, you could bump into one slaughterfish who says "I am a magical, mystical fish prince. I was turned into a fish by an evil witch who wanted to steal my stronghold." And you could talk to another who says "Help! All us dwemer accidentally turned ourselves into fish!" And then there's this dreugh, who says "Hi, I'm Ariel.", and then bursts into song with her friends Sebastian and flounder, while a crazy cliffracer circles overhead. His name's Scuttle. And he'll tell you he turned vegetarian and ate too much scuttle and got the scoots. Hence his name.

Any other ideas for uninspired mod-makers?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:27 am
by JesterKing
I thought that 'butt-picking mod' you mentioned earlier had some merit, I mean if you go 24/7 in hot armor with no bathing and no toilets in sight... well for realism's sake that one should exist. a mod where you could go to the real world and bring back machine guns... 'take that dagoth!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!!'

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:41 am
by Dark Master
There is a mod in which you can get guns. Even an Uzi I believe.

:) Slightly breaking with the Morrowind theme there.


Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:47 am
by JesterKing
oh my goodness... i tried to pick something i thought would never in a million years exist. crazy...

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:52 pm
by Aqua-chan
A romance mod for women. We don't even get the lousy khajiit. ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:42 pm
by Bloodstalker
My apologies AC, how very inconsiderate of me. I will mod myself in as a romancable NPC with all haste ;)

I think there should be a Temple of Elvis mod :D

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:11 pm
by fable
There's also a recent mod that adds toilets. No, I haven't tried it, so I have no idea how it works--but it's out there.

On a slightly more serious note, one mod I've always wanted to see which has never been done is a mod that would let you cross off finished quests from the Journal. There is a mod that allows you to add journal entries, but it can't touch the text already inputted by the main program. So all those annoying quest entries that proliferate and confuse about your current objectives...? They hang around and fester over time, as we all know. I say, give an international prize to the person who builds a mod that corrects this.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:17 pm
by Bloodstalker
I knew there was a mod that required your character to eat once a day, but not the toilets...although, I suppose that was the next logical step.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:18 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=Bloodstalker]I knew there was a mod that required your character to eat once a day...[/QUOTE]

Yes, Necessities of Morrowind. You have to eat, sleep and drink, or suffer accordingly.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:29 pm
by Dark Master
Would you recomend getting it? By the way, I just downloaded the Blue Glass mod, fantastic piece of work, very nice looking.


Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:33 pm
by fable
I've heard it's well done, but it depends on whether you want to go through the hassles of acquiring and consuming food and drink. Personally, I've not downloaded it. I tend to focus on ease-of-use mods (like one that automatically causes you to drink a healing potion--if you've got it--when your health falls below a certain level), new faction mods, lengthy quests, more dialog, extra armor and interactivity. Last count, about 130 mods going. I really spend far too much time at this. :rolleyes:

EDIT: I do agree with you about that Blue Glass mod. Nice work.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:36 pm
by beornica
Hey! :mad:
This is a thread for making fun of all the mods ONLY! Stop being serious! I won't allow it!

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:03 pm
by JesterKing
I was thinking... there are all these guys sitting behind counters all day long, and there is no music? and how do i play my lute that came with my house!??!? I can conquer teh world but not learn to play the lute... or go fishing... fable? im guessing there is a mod for radios in the stores and luteplaying isnt there. and the bongos. cant forget those guarskin bongos.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 7:24 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=JesterKing]I was thinking... there are all these guys sitting behind counters all day long, and there is no music? and how do i play my lute that came with my house!??!? I can conquer teh world but not learn to play the lute... or go fishing... fable? im guessing there is a mod for radios in the stores and luteplaying isnt there. and the bongos. cant forget those guarskin bongos.[/QUOTE]

There is a mod for a lute, and another if you want to play the race of a Courtier, one of whose skills (if I recall correctly) is playing an instrument. And of course, there are at least two mods for fishing (especially Fishing Academy). Bongos...? Believe it or not, I think I saw a mod for this, the other day. I know the Ashlanders have them in their huts, so presumably this mod adds sound effects to it. It's just possible that Max's Complete Morrowind lets you make musical instruments, but I haven't checked that out, yet. Hell, I'm still looking for a pick to mine some ore. :D

But you're right: no radio. Also, no television, and worst of all, no Internet. Cable has yet to come to Morrowind! Someone must help the ignorant masses. It's not too late to sign up and offer your assistance! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 4:52 am
by Monolith
Holla, 130 mods. Hey, Fable, do you mind updating your "Mod-Thread"? Any recommendations besides the one you already mentioned? I haven't played Morrowind for ages now, all motivation's gone.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 5:50 am
by JesterKing
ok... i should really give up trying to think of unreal mods... some 15 year old with to much time on his hands is bound to have made it, but ill give it one last go. a punker mod, where you can change your hair day to day and pick out accessories and tatoos... i can see it now. ' you , bad zurt of the class anarchist-freespirit are now officially the nevarine. I Lord Vivec remove the curse upon you and task you with destroying the heart of lorkan...'

whats the blue-grass mod... does it have somethign to do with an invasion of tenesse musicians? hmmm this is scarier than dagoth ur!!! :eek:

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:33 pm
by giles337
a mod for..... wait for it.... im still thinking.... a mod for.......... animal poop. how come u never see pieces of frsh steaming muck pop out an animals hiney??? it could even carry disease if you ate the muck of a blighted animal!

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:14 pm
by lifeishell91
[QUOTE=giles337]a mod for..... wait for it.... im still thinking.... a mod for.......... animal poop. how come u never see pieces of frsh steaming muck pop out an animals hiney??? it could even carry disease if you ate the muck of a blighted animal![/QUOTE]

One word: GROSS

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:16 pm
by lifeishell91
[QUOTE=JesterKing]ok... i should really give up trying to think of unreal mods... some 15 year old with to much time on his hands is bound to have made it, but ill give it one last go. a punker mod, where you can change your hair day to day and pick out accessories and tatoos... i can see it now. ' you , bad zurt of the class anarchist-freespirit are now officially the nevarine. I Lord Vivec remove the curse upon you and task you with destroying the heart of lorkan...'

whats the blue-grass mod... does it have somethign to do with an invasion of tenesse musicians? hmmm this is scarier than dagoth ur!!! :eek: [/QUOTE]

You can have different hairstyles and tatoos on the newcoming game Fable, so you urges will be fulfilled ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:18 pm
by giles337
[QUOTE=lifeishell91]One word: !~GROSS~![/QUOTE]

gross, maybe, but so true!