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Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:21 pm
by giles337
So.... now that i'm fighter guild master, who expels me when i steal??? and who can tell me that i can't make ammends :p more importantly though, can i still do quests???? if not, how much are those goldeneggs from the pudai mines worth if i wanna sell 'em. Do they look gorgeous? if so i may well have them decoratinjg my home, but i am just curious. And i could of got 10000 septims for 'em if i hadn't been so impatient at getting to guild master :mad:

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:27 pm
by Dark Master
I *think* you can still do that quest after guildmaster, I think I did. They are worth 150 each and look...odd, but not all that special, I'd take the 10,000 septims.