If you want some info on Sorcerors,
here's a link to a decent Sorceror guide. I don't agree with everything the guy says, but if you want some personal advice here it comes. Sorcerors are the magical artillery of your party, they shouldn't be concerned with the safety of any other party members(in the sense of buffing) so leave out the buffing spells. Stick to the spells that will keep you alive just long enough to kill your foes. after the battle you can throw on the cloak of the sewers, turn yourself into a troll and regenerate all your lost HPs. Now for my spell pics.
level 1
Magic Missile
Chromatic Orb
Spook(cuts down the amount of enemies you're up against for a time)
Protection from Evil
Indentify(if you've got lvl 1 spells left before you rest why not put them to use identifying)
level 2
Melf's Acid Arrow
Mirror Image
Knock(since Sorcerors aren't known for their strength)
Vocalize(never anter a battle with a mage without having this one handy)
level 3
Skull Trap/Fireball(sheerly a matter of preference)
Flame Arrow(not melf's minute meteors, because your THAC0 sucks)
Dispel Magic/Remove magic(another preference)
Protection from Normal Missiles(still good through most of the game)
level 4
Greater Malison
Wizard Eye
Ice Storm(some like polymorph self for the mustard jelly transformation because it can help you out dramatically in battle, but you should never be in that situation, and the cloak of the sewers can do the same thing)
level 5
Animate Dead(not too useful until you get skeleton warriors)
Chaos(always a winner if you need to buy yourself some time)
Cloudkill(it's cheesy, but if you're soloing a sorceror why not)
Sunfire(run into a crowd of bad guys and boom!)
level 6
Chain Lightning
Death Fog(a horde of summons can be the death of a weenie like yourself)
Prot. from Magical Weapons
Tenser's Transformation(some times it'f fun to do your own dirty work)
There. That should get you started, and give you a sense of how to play your Sorceror. There rest you should be able to decide for yourself. Personally I don't like sequencer/contigency type spellls because I don't want to be bothered with setting them up, and I think they're a bit cheesy. Ultimately the decision is up to you, so good luck and have fun.