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move silentily and hide in shadows

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:16 pm
by lipe
what move silentily do???If you have high move silently you can hdie in shadows with your enenmy seeing you.....I don't understand this 2 skills well...

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:05 pm
by fable
Some monsters sense others not only by vision, but by sound. If you're invisible, you can still be located by the sounds of your movement. Move Silently makes sure you go unheard.

At least, that's the theory. Personally, I've never used it. I figure going invisible will do nicely, and there are also monsters that can sense you by smell, for which there is no counter-spell, so why bother with anything else? Just my POV.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 4:17 pm
by UserUnfriendly
i've been told if you use a thief script, like with valen mod, move silently allows you to jump back into shadows quicker, thus executing another backstab quicker.

i don't know, since i rarely use hide in shadows anyhu.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:22 pm
by SP101
When you hide in shadow, the domputer "roll a d100"

- Higher than your Hide in Shadow skill : Failed
- Same as your Hide in Shadow skill : 1/2 chance to fail, 1/2 chance to success
- Lower than your Hide in Shadow kill : Sucess

Now, every (1 or 2) round, the computer do a "check" to see if you have moved enough silently to stay hidden. Same as below, but with the "Move Silently" skill.

The skill to Move Silently has another effect too : When you start doing an action while hidden, it says "Char. Name - Leaving Shadow". Then, you have a countdown before your character become invisible. The more points you have in Move Silently, the longer the period will be (You can still perform your backstab or get off of your enemy's sight).

PS : That's how it was working in BG1, and I'm pretty sure they kept the same system.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:52 pm
by lipe
thats what I wish to know thank you......

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:17 pm
by ImperialMarshal
[QUOTE=SP101]When you hide in shadow, the domputer "roll a d100"

- Higher than your Hide in Shadow skill : Failed
- Same as your Hide in Shadow skill : 1/2 chance to fail, 1/2 chance to success
- Lower than your Hide in Shadow kill : Sucess

Now, every (1 or 2) round, the computer do a "check" to see if you have moved enough silently to stay hidden. Same as below, but with the "Move Silently" skill.

The skill to Move Silently has another effect too : When you start doing an action while hidden, it says "Char. Name - Leaving Shadow". Then, you have a countdown before your character become invisible. The more points you have in Move Silently, the longer the period will be (You can still perform your backstab or get off of your enemy's sight).

PS : That's how it was working in BG1, and I'm pretty sure they kept the same system.[/QUOTE]

So you only ever need 100% in Move Silently and Hide in Shadows, correct? Anything more is just a waste?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:19 pm
by SP101
You can want to have 120 in both, because wearing a Leather armor give you a -10% penality, and wearing a Studded Leather armor give you a -20% penality. (Hide Armor give -40% penality, but they are crap so nobody matter).

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:30 pm
by lipe
[QUOTE=SP101]You can want to have 120 in both, because wearing a Leather armor give you a -10% penality, and wearing a Studded Leather armor give you a -20% penality. (Hide Armor give -40% penality, but they are crap so nobody matter).[/QUOTE]

I didn't knew that I thought only hide armor give you a penalty than you again!!

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 12:28 am
by ImperialMarshal
[QUOTE=SP101]You can want to have 120 in both, because wearing a Leather armor give you a -10% penality, and wearing a Studded Leather armor give you a -20% penality. (Hide Armor give -40% penality, but they are crap so nobody matter).[/QUOTE]

Do scale and plate mail (with Use Any Item) give any penalites to stealth?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 6:04 am
by lompo
You can't hide wearing plate/chains unless are elven chains.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:14 am
by SP101
With UAI you can wear EVERYTHING, but you can't hide while wearing more than a Studded Leather. Maybe with the Elven Chains, never tried it.

Scale mails gives you the same penality as a Hide Armor (Because it's a sort of Dragon's Hide Armor :P ).

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 4:16 pm
by iamweaver
One thing I have wondered... I noticed that hide in shadows failed a lot more often during the day. Of course, that makes sense, but I wonder if there are modifiers for that?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 4:24 pm
by UserUnfriendly
[QUOTE=SP101]With UAI you can wear EVERYTHING, but you can't hide while wearing more than a Studded Leather. Maybe with the Elven Chains, never tried it.

Scale mails gives you the same penality as a Hide Armor (Because it's a sort of Dragon's Hide Armor :P ).[/QUOTE]

the only thief abilities you can use with plate is detect/disarm traps and chests. ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 6:59 pm
by lipe
[QUOTE=iamweaver]One thing I have wondered... I noticed that hide in shadows failed a lot more often during the day. Of course, that makes sense, but I wonder if there are modifiers for that?[/QUOTE]

I guess you need to be in he shadow........during the day find a shadow of some building and try to hind in it.........

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:22 am
by lompo
[QUOTE=iamweaver]One thing I have wondered... I noticed that hide in shadows failed a lot more often during the day. Of course, that makes sense, but I wonder if there are modifiers for that?[/QUOTE]

I think there are penalties if you are in sunlight or under light, so is definetly better to have scores over 120 in both the abilities if you want to rely on them, and an absolute must is the cloak of non detection: a hidden char. with the cloak on can't be seen even if somebody cast true sight.