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Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 7:08 pm
by Ninky
Iam lvl 12 sorcerer I have taken the recomended feats of empower and extended spells for my last 2 feats and find them both to be a bit BAH...are there any of the metamagic feats worth having or should I use my feats to improve other things. Also besides the nymph cloak is there any other Charisma eq in the game?


Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:42 pm
by wnb
There's an item called the amulet of absolute good, or something, that gives +3 CHA and +3 WIS. There's also a cloak that gives +7 CHA. Both are found in Hordes of the Underdark.

As for's a must for a sorceror. Extend is pretty much worthless, though, since the only good short duration defensive spell is spell mantle, and it's much better to cast empowered than extended. Empower, though, is really great. It lets you take defensive and summoning spells when you gain a new level, since you can just empower a lower level offensive spell instead of learn a new one. For example, when you gain level six spells you can take greater stone skin instead of chain lightening, since you can just cast an empowered ice storm in your level six slot instead. This is particularly important later in the game, as there are no solid damage spells after the seventh level, so you'll have to empower and maximize six and seventh level spells to compensate.

Other than empower, maximize is also extremely good. Quicken is also worth taking, although empower and maximize are the two main ones you should learn. You'll find that later in the game, a lower level empowered or maximized spell has far more damage potential than a higher level spell without metamagic.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:55 pm
by Xandax
I disagree.
I personally don't find meta magic usefull and not important at all.

My advice is to find out if you like using some (any?) of them, and if so - do it, but you don't loose much by ignoring them, so it is all a matter of preferences.
And my preferences is that I'd rather use a sorcerers more limited feats on something else.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:03 pm
by Ninky
Well Xandax, that is what i was thinking to there are many other feats that would serve a sorcerer well I think the metamagic would be more useful if it was automatic and considering I play in a multiplayer game by the time i have metamagic my spell up the other have killled the mob anyway :P ...I do get what wnb was saying about maximize spell and its a good point...I think i will stop selecting the recomended and have a good look at what I want to choose more along the lines of the resist magic feats or some to improve my archery skill like point blank or rapid shot etc ....can you remove a feat and choose another if you dont like the feat you have chosen? If not some suggestions on feats would be graetly appreciated..


Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:13 pm
by Xandax
You can't remove a feat once it is selected. Well - you can but it would requier editing of the character file, which I've never done before. For that you need to download a gff editor (I think it is called) from the Bioware site.

As for suggestions, well - I would think that is pretty much a personal preference also, seeing as I never go for "powerbuilds" per se, but try and take what I find usefull.
Stuff I usually takes are things that increase my saving throws (HotU has some great feats only selectable at level 1 for savethrows, which I really like), combat casting, spell penetration,spell focus, dodge, mobility ... stuff like that.
But it is very depending on my game(s) what I end up taking.

I've never used metamagic in NwN except once, just to try it.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:34 pm
by wnb
^Why would you take dodge and mobility over metamagic? You're going to have trouble getting a high AC even if you do waste ability points in dexterity and take these feats, why not just spend them on something better and use damage reduction spells and gear?

Plus you need metamagic to cast damaging spells at eighth and ninth level.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 12:21 am
by Ninky
oh really ....hmm ok do you need all the feats of metamagic or just a few of them to cast the level 8 and 9 spells?...This should be mentioned in the manual ... I would never have known... thanks for letting me know

I have some of the feats mentioned by Xandax they came as recomended for me anyway...I have an ac of 18, attack bonus 12/+7, damage 1-8 (Critical 20/ x3), so ....hmmm will have to look into all these suggestions before I level again ....

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 12:27 am
by Noober
You don't need metamagic to cast high level spells, it just that if you want to do any decent amount of damage you will need to use metamagic. As soon as you can get empowered and maximised Firebrands and Isaac's you almost won't need anything else. If you find that metamagic is not of great effect then it is your spell choices. Mostly empower you fireballs and other direct damage spells and extend haste unless you have boots of speed. You don't need dodge or mobility if you have a stoneskin etc. on. Most people don't bother with focus because they use spells without save (like Firebrand).

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 12:43 am
by Ninky
The two spells I use most are fireball and cloud of cone. fireball for me atm without metamagic is do upwards of 60 damage and has done 99 damage on several occasions and kills basically everything i find in 2 hits... Iam however only in NWN chapter I havent come up against any "Major " mobs as yet anyway i cant undo the feats so i will just ahve to use them :)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 12:44 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=wnb]^Why would you take dodge and mobility over metamagic? You're going to have trouble getting a high AC even if you do waste ability points in dexterity and take these feats, why not just spend them on something better and use damage reduction spells and gear?

Plus you need metamagic to cast damaging spells at eighth and ninth level.[/QUOTE]

Firstly - my sorcerer (or wizards) usually have about 16 in dexterity, because I use crossbows for them also. I don't see dexterity points as wasted, they also add to the reflex savethrows.

Secondly - Dodge is needed for mobility, mobility is good agaisnt Attacks of Oppertunities.

Thirdly - I do use damage reduction equiptment (most notable Greater belts of ...) I do however not use many defensive spells other then Stoneskin and Ghotsly Visage (and this I don't need to assign spell to because of items you can get), this leaves room for more offensive spells.

Fourth - the main reason I don't use metamagic, is that I'll not trade higher level spellslots for lowerlevel spells. I know a maximized fireball does good damage, but then I'd rather have the Tenser's Transformation or even a Chain Lightning.
But sure, I could just rest each time I've cast a spell and continue to have access to them. But I don't really want to rest each time I've finished a fight, and then there are other feats I'd prefere.
There are to many higher level spells I'd rather use.

Lastly - I don't really understand your last statement. I have never had problems casting L8 and L9 damaging spells withouth metamagic feats, so I don't know where you got that from.

As with almost anything else, Metamagic is a personal preferences. It isn't the "end-all-be-all" and one dosen't need it at all.
It is possible nice to have in some situations, but then I'd rather have some (lesser) feats that I use most of the time, then some feats I might use once or twice.
Even my first run where I took meta-magic, I found I never used them at all ... so waste of feats for me.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 1:21 am
by Noober
[QUOTE=Xandax] Firstly - my sorcerer (or wizards) usually have about 16 in dexterity, because I use crossbows for them also. I don't see dexterity points as wasted, they also add to the reflex savethrows. [/QUOTE]

I thought that crossbows used strength...are you sure?

[QUOTE=Xandax] Secondly - Dodge is needed for mobility, mobility is good agaisnt Attacks of Oppertunities. [/QUOTE]

First of all you shouldn't get into melee range, and secondly, your meant to be using Improved Invisiblity (extended) as well.

[QUOTE=Xandax] Thirdly - I do use damage reduction equiptment (most notable Greater belts of ...) I do however not use many defensive spells other then Stoneskin and Ghotsly Visage (and this I don't need to assign spell to because of items you can get), this leaves room for more offensive spells. [/QUOTE]

You don't need that many different damage spells, just one of each element. After all, the only reason you wouldn't be using Firebrand is if they have fire resistance.

[QUOTE=Xandax] Fourth - the main reason I don't use metamagic, is that I'll not trade higher level spellslots for lowerlevel spells. I know a maximized fireball does good damage, but then I'd rather have the Tenser's Transformation or even a Chain Lightning.
But sure, I could just rest each time I've cast a spell and continue to have access to them. But I don't really want to rest each time I've finished a fight, and then there are other feats I'd prefere.
There are to many higher level spells I'd rather use. [/QUOTE]

+50% - 100% damage on average is well worth the levels. And the main reason to use metamagic is to have more of your good spells, like Firebrand :p . Without metamagic in PvP the caster classes would be regarded as the worst for duelling as IGMS is only good metamagiced. And very rarely would somebody choose to use Tenser's. And on average a Chain Lightening would deal 63 damage, then that damage would be halved for the next victims. A fireball deals 60 damage to all in the radius. And some spells are even superior in all aspects to their higher level versions, particularly empowered Spell Mantle (as compared to Greater Spell Mantle).

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:08 am
by Xandax
As for the Crossbow, well it uses Dexterity to hit.

Attacks of oppertunity will happen often, because it is near impossible to always stay out of meele, and attempting to get away from meele can also invoke attacks of oppertunities.
Thus I find it very usefull to have defence against such attacks.
Besides - I said I usually take doger, mobility, not that they were essential. They are also a personal preference.

+50% - 100% damage on average is well worth the levels. And the main reason to use metamagic is to have more of your good spells, like Firebrand :p . Without metamagic in PvP the caster classes would be regarded as the worst for duelling as IGMS is only good metamagiced. And very rarely would somebody choose to use Tenser's. And on average a Chain Lightening would deal 63 damage, then that damage would be halved for the next victims. A fireball deals 60 damage to all in the radius. And some spells are even superior in all aspects to their higher level versions, particularly empowered Spell Mantle (as compared to Greater Spell Mantle).[/QUOTE]

Well - I don't care about dueling. When I multiplay - I go for roleplaying and not "powerplaying", so I don't care about the numbers there, or how I'd do 1vs1 in a given (or imaginary) setting.

And in single player there are also so many other great spells then IGMS.
For instance, Tenser's Transformation is tremendous effective in single player; I've meeled down dragons solo.
There are so many good spells, and much usefullness in them - that I've never had the need or even desire for metamagic.

(oh, and it isn't always good to deal full damage to everything (body) in the area. Imagine a full PvP setting and your party is engaged in combat ...launch a fireball and you fry them also, not something popular I'd imagine.)

Metamagic is likely nice/good to have for some, but I usually goes after things I'll use often over something I'll use a few times.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:39 am
by wnb
^Why would you only use metamagic a few times? If you have a well built character, most of your higher level offensive spells should be metamagic versions of lower level spells, so you'll pretty much be using metamagic exclusively at higher levels. Empowered and maximized IGMS and firebrand have much, much higher damage potential than any other spell, period.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:33 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=wnb]<sni>If you have a well built character, most of your higher level offensive spells should be metamagic versions of lower level spells, so you'll pretty much be using metamagic exclusively at higher levels. <snip>[/QUOTE]

Should? They should no such thing.
All my high level spell slots are high level spells, and it works like a charm.

You can like metamagic all you want to and find it useful, but it is *not* the only way (or the "right" way).
I've personally never had any use for metamagic and I have played this game quite a lot also.

(well - I've used metamagic in a multiplayer game, but that was because I was roleplaying a mute sorcerer .... then you need metamagic to cast spells).

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 4:17 am
by Noober
[QUOTE=Xandax] Attacks of oppertunity will happen often, because it is near impossible to always stay out of meele, and attempting to get away from meele can also invoke attacks of oppertunities.
Thus I find it very usefull to have defence against such attacks.
Besides - I said I usually take doger, mobility, not that they were essential. They are also a personal preference. [/QUOTE]

Very well if you choose to, but in such situation would it not be wiser to take the expertise line of feats, doubling your AC bonus and applying it to all situations?

[QUOTE=Xandax] Well - I don't care about dueling. When I multiplay - I go for roleplaying and not "powerplaying", so I don't care about the numbers there, or how I'd do 1vs1 in a given (or imaginary) setting. [/QUOTE]

I was merely using that as an example of how important metamagic has become to casters.

[QUOTE=Xandax] And in single player there are also so many other great spells then IGMS.
For instance, Tenser's Transformation is tremendous effective in single player; I've meeled down dragons solo.
There are so many good spells, and much usefullness in them - that I've never had the need or even desire for metamagic. [/QUOTE]

What level did you melee a dragon? Would it not have been far faster to IGMS it? And also how many time did you cast it? Would it have been worth extending it?

[QUOTE=Xandax] (oh, and it isn't always good to deal full damage to everything (body) in the area. Imagine a full PvP setting and your party is engaged in combat ...launch a fireball and you fry them also, not something popular I'd imagine.) [/QUOTE]

That is why you use Firebrand and Chain lightning.

[QUOTE=Xandax] Should? They should no such thing.
All my high level spell slots are high level spells, and it works like a charm. [/QUOTE]

But I'm willing to bet, nothing on Emp/Maxed Firebrands.

[QUOTE=Xandax] You can like metamagic all you want to and find it useful, but it is *not* the only way (or the "right" way).
I've personally never had any use for metamagic and I have played this game quite a lot also. [/QUOTE]

Metamagic isn't only for adding damage. Auto-Still can be combined for great effect with platemail and a tower shield. And what can your caster do if silenced?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 5:34 am
by Xandax
What level did you melee a dragon? Would it not have been far faster to IGMS it? And also how many time did you cast it? Would it have been worth extending it?

Must have been around L16 or so, in the original campaign. It was when you reach the 2 corrupted dragons, and I only had to cast one Tensers to meele down one of them.

I don't doubt that metamagic can be usefull for some people and/or in some situations.
What I'm saying it isn't the "right" or "only" way to build a magic user.
Personally - I've never had need for, or even used metamagic feat to any extent (other then roleplaying issue in multiplayer with my mute sorcerer).
And my games have been pretty easy still.

So just as people can recommend metamagic (and claim it is the "only" way), I can bring my experiences in also; and thoese are that it isn't important and I personally don't find it useful.
It is a personal preferences. I'd rather have a timestop, shapechange, black blade of disaster availble then a maxmized L6 spell. And so on....

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:57 am
by wnb
^But shapeshange is pretty worthless, and black blade deals ALOT less damage than you could do casting spells. Timestop-maximized IGMS-maximized IGMS will do alot more.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 12:25 pm
by Xandax
[QUOTE=wnb]^But shapeshange is pretty worthless, and black blade deals ALOT less damage than you could do casting spells. Timestop-maximized IGMS-maximized IGMS will do alot more.[/QUOTE]

Well - you have your preference and I have mine.
After my (1) BBoD took down the end boss of HotU, I have a pretty good oppinion of that spell.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:37 pm
by Noober
BBoD is excellent when combined with Greater Sanctuary because it cannot be destroyed with damage, though I believe that Shapechange is not of any great use. Ts+IGMS+IGMS cannot be used to tank, uses 3 level nine slots, and is alot less useful against multiple opponents.

[QUOTE=Xandax] So just as people can recommend metamagic (and claim it is the "only" way), I can bring my experiences in also; and thoese are that it isn't important and I personally don't find it useful. [/QUOTE]

In singleplayer, metamagic is not that important, but in difficult online words and PvP, metamagic is essential, as the only other good spell is pretty much BBoD+GS.

[QUOTE=Xandax] After my (1) BBoD took down the end boss of HotU, I have a pretty good oppinion of that spell. [/QUOTE]

Just like my when my Balor cast Implosion and killed him :p .

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:57 pm
by Warlin
I have to agree with Xandax. The spells given on the higher lvl's is more then enough.

One good thing about metamagic is stillspell, and later automatic stillspell. I have made a "Plated Sorc", as i call him. lvl 36 with a AC of 56. Platemail, tower shield, epic spell armor, and no arcane spell failure.

With plate and automated still spells, you can dance through your enemies :)