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Where did Bodhi go?? Anyone?
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2001 3:10 pm
by skuz
The first time we met Bodhi, we were shy the 15k she asks for, she told us to return when we had it. We returned to the graveyard when we had it, but Bodhi has failed to show. Please tell me where to find her or has the game glitched? Or, is she just the most expensive date in the world and decided to blow me off? Thanks!
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2001 3:28 pm
by Xyx
Did you go at night? Her being a Vampire and all...
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2001 3:36 pm
by skuz
Thanks for getting back so quick! Yes, we did go at night, and searched the whole graveyard about 6 times over. Nothing. We did at one time have to switch a character in the party in between the time we first met Bodhi and the time we came back with the 15k, but it didn't stand to reason that should affect her lack of presence in the graveyard. Any other ideas?
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2001 4:29 pm
by Irenin
No that wouldn't make a difference. There seems to be some bugs with taking bohdi's side in the guild war.
Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2001 4:36 pm
by alisain71
Well go see the shadow theif guy again let him tell you he only costs 15K too now. Tell him no. If you pay him already Bhodi is mean female dog
Once he tells you only 15K go back to graveyard. Also try resting a few days there, rest wake, rest wake. You can also try to go down to area?
Best two man combo --Sorceror and Berserker-- You can take on just about anything with those two. Not in manual or game Berserker is immune to level drain while berserk, like barbarain is when rageed