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Class comparison. Today Barbarian vs Berserker

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 10:09 am
by Bruce Lee
We could start a discussion where we compare classes each day and start off today by comparing Barabrian and Berserker.
Everyone should write their opinion.
I prefer barbarians because they do not get winded after their rage and those extra hp are cool. If you got better bonuses for GM I would say berserker but as it is I say Barbarian. Only negative is the lack of good scale and splint mail in the game.
Armour of faith is to me the best armour for Barbarians.
Oops I forgot.
Barbarian 1 Berserker 0.
Add on your votes at the end of your post.

[ 04-21-2001: Message edited by: Bruce Lee ]

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 10:37 am
by rapier
Barbarian is better! Bigger HP, better Rage, immune to backstab/weapons, and Crimson Chain +5 is a good armor for them, with AC 0...

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 10:43 am
by Bruce Lee
Then we are at barbarian 2 berskerker 0

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 11:22 am
by Craig
How about red dragon scail?

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 11:38 am
by DĂșnadan
Plus, Barbarians can't be touched by thieves, and their resistances at the end of the game are insane!

Barbarian 3, Berserker 0

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 11:41 am
by cheesemage
Plus Barabarins names are shorter 4 to nothing

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 11:44 am
by Craig
@chesemage ?

Its(counting last one)Barb 5 Berzerker

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 11:45 am
by cheesemage

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 3:53 pm
by Bruce Lee
I am dissapointed that noone has come and voted for the berserker. The barbarian is imo better but it is close.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 12:39 am
by Kovi
I think the Berserker is slightly better than the Barbarian rage as there are no penalties within the time of the rage and most of the fights can be finished within time. Berserker Rage also protects against imprisonment, but that is not a big deal, except Kangaxx.
But I agree that the barbarian's disadvantages (weaker armor, no specialization) are not too serious and overally the barbarian is a better fighter.
Still there is one big advantage of the berserker: it can dual class.
So if I have to vote for the pure classes: I would vote for the barbarian, but if we see the whole picture I would for the berserker.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 4:13 am
by KensaiRyu
One other thing about berzerker, though its not worth as much in BG2, Grand mastery. Vs Barbarian only allowed 2+.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 7:14 am
by Minsc&BOO
And also by rage is the barbarian immune to level drain.Nice :) . They move faster and they gain ressistances against weapons after they level up !!!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 12:18 pm
by Promethion
Imprizon immunity will be more important in Throne of Bhaal, IMHO

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 1:10 pm
by DĂșnadan
In ToB, what kinds of resistances will barbarians have? 100% against everything? I wonder where they will stop these things. Monks could move faster than lightning, have insane magic resistance, and their fists will be +4 or +5 weapons. The Thaco of the Kensai and Archer will most likely be in the -30's, and wizardslayers will remain as crappy as they are now. *Rubs hands* Can't wait!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 2:33 pm
by Macros
Berserker cos they can dual class, berserk makes you immune to just about every mind altering spell, they can get grand mastery (d/l the grand mastery fix) and can use any armor. If you want resists and speed, why bother with the barbarian when you can be a monk :)

Monk = practically invincible at higher levs.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 3:42 pm
by Craig
berzerker/barb in wirl wind angd rage :eek:

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 5:24 am
by Craig
now th bard vs F/M/T
bard has bard song

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 5:40 am
by Astafas
The bard wins easily. Biggest difference between the two: the way they level up. Bards level up extremely fast, the F/M/T extremely slow.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 9:21 am
by Nighthawk
Barbarians are a lot of fun. With boots they move incredibly fast. With Defender of Easthaven they get 40% resistance to physical damage and can get Str 25 without Crom Faeyr. Immunity to backstab is nice against Ketta and the rune assasins. They have massive numbers of HP and great immunities from Rage. In my duel tests they consistently won.

However, Berzerkers get much better AC. Their Enrage gives even better immunities and still works at full effectiveness with Crom Faeyr.

All in all, I think I have to give a slight edge to the Berzerker, but I really like both of them.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 1:41 pm
by ThorinOakensfield
This is the hardest decision in my life.

Halfling Barbarian or Dwarven Bezerker?
Can't choose
Barbarian 6 Bezerker 1