LGNPC Ald-ruhn Team B thread
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 4:25 pm
Team B NPCs
Council Club
Bralas Mels:
Dather Manel:
Volene Llervu:
Darvam Hlaren:
Tuls Valen:
Lloros Sarano:
Methal Seran:
Folvys Andalor:
Danoso Andrano:
Ureso Drath:
The Rat in the Pot
Tongue Toad (involved in Mages Guild quest, possibly disappears. I'm investigating.)
Yak Gro-kandar:
Tee Lan:
Dular Gro-buzga:
Narile sadoror:
Thadar ertis:
Galtis guvron:
Aengoth the Jeweller (Thieve's Guild steward):
Lirielle Stoine:
Ald Skar Inn
Hassour Zainsubani (note, his story should remain as an ashlander who gave up life to become a trader, because of the main quest)
Boderi farano:
Fathusa Girethi:
Sadryn Volos: The Sleeper
Merthierry Laelippe:
Fighter's guild
Persius Mercies Drillmaster M Imperial (highest ranking FG member): oldmanbob
Baradras Scout M Wood Elf: Will T **DONE**
Tralan Master-At-Arms M Redguard: Astion
Ergnir Smith service M Nord: Will T[/Blue]
Mage's Guild
Manis Virmaulese:
Movis Darys:
Edwinna Elbert:
Tremona Maren:
Vala Catraso:
Tanar Llervi:
Orrent Geontene:
Heem La: Astion
Anarenen: Rookierookie
I'd like to start with one set place, preferrably the Fighters Guild because it has the least NPCs to cover. Percius Mercies has a lot of say in quite a few Fighters Guild quests, which can probably stay as they are unless the person that takes him on is feeling adventurous.
I may be fairly new to this stuff, but I've already got a reasonably good grasp of how the Construction Set works, so nothing is ruled out at this stage in the way of quests, scripts, etc, etc.
[e] 24-07 12pm, class, race and gender added for FG NPCs. Nicked Max's coding system:
Margenta - Name
Green - Job\Trade
Red - Gender(Male\Female)
Yellow - Race
Blue - Who will work on it
Added me on Percius Mercies
Added Will T on Baradras
[e]12.30pm Added Rookierookie on Anarenen
[e] 25-07 Added Sleeper on Sadryn Volos
Added Astion on Tralan and Heem-La
Council Club
Bralas Mels:
Dather Manel:
Volene Llervu:
Darvam Hlaren:
Tuls Valen:
Lloros Sarano:
Methal Seran:
Folvys Andalor:
Danoso Andrano:
Ureso Drath:
The Rat in the Pot
Tongue Toad (involved in Mages Guild quest, possibly disappears. I'm investigating.)
Yak Gro-kandar:
Tee Lan:
Dular Gro-buzga:
Narile sadoror:
Thadar ertis:
Galtis guvron:
Aengoth the Jeweller (Thieve's Guild steward):
Lirielle Stoine:
Ald Skar Inn
Hassour Zainsubani (note, his story should remain as an ashlander who gave up life to become a trader, because of the main quest)
Boderi farano:
Fathusa Girethi:
Sadryn Volos: The Sleeper
Merthierry Laelippe:
Fighter's guild
Persius Mercies Drillmaster M Imperial (highest ranking FG member): oldmanbob
Baradras Scout M Wood Elf: Will T **DONE**
Tralan Master-At-Arms M Redguard: Astion
Ergnir Smith service M Nord: Will T[/Blue]
Mage's Guild
Manis Virmaulese:
Movis Darys:
Edwinna Elbert:
Tremona Maren:
Vala Catraso:
Tanar Llervi:
Orrent Geontene:
Heem La: Astion
Anarenen: Rookierookie
I'd like to start with one set place, preferrably the Fighters Guild because it has the least NPCs to cover. Percius Mercies has a lot of say in quite a few Fighters Guild quests, which can probably stay as they are unless the person that takes him on is feeling adventurous.
I may be fairly new to this stuff, but I've already got a reasonably good grasp of how the Construction Set works, so nothing is ruled out at this stage in the way of quests, scripts, etc, etc.
[e] 24-07 12pm, class, race and gender added for FG NPCs. Nicked Max's coding system:
Margenta - Name
Green - Job\Trade
Red - Gender(Male\Female)
Yellow - Race
Blue - Who will work on it
Added me on Percius Mercies
Added Will T on Baradras
[e]12.30pm Added Rookierookie on Anarenen
[e] 25-07 Added Sleeper on Sadryn Volos
Added Astion on Tralan and Heem-La