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Now - there's a challenge!!!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2001 12:17 pm
by Rodion Raskolnikov
If you have completed BG2 a couple of times and furthermore have visited this forum frequently you should know all tricks, strategies, events etc. in the game. Do you think it is possible to COMPLETE THE GAME WITHOUT LOADING A SINGLE SAVE (auto-saves included - obviously). Are any of you BG2 maniacs up for the task?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2001 12:20 pm
by Craig

Posted: Tue May 29, 2001 12:33 pm
by Bloodstalker
You mean as in sit down, start game, do not move until you beat the game? I would never get my legs to function again.....would definatly lose weight though.... :eek:

Posted: Tue May 29, 2001 12:34 pm
by Joe
Nope, I don't think its possible. To many traps that slip your mind etc. I have also wondered about this type of thig before. I think a real cautious and expert player may be able to do it in under 10 reloads. Anyway there are many greater than I in this forum, so it would be nifty if you dudes posted what was your lowest reloads.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2001 12:42 pm
by Rodion Raskolnikov
@Bloodstalker: Brilliant idea - especially the weigh****ching part :) No - I didn't mean anything like that.

@Tonson: I don't think I could do it either - but as you say - i reckon there are a lot of more gifted players than me and maybe it could be done.

@Craig: You're probably right :D

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Rodion Raskolnikov ]

Posted: Tue May 29, 2001 2:12 pm
by KensaiRyu
Check the back posts there was a couple people who beat the game without dying, however I think they used Imported characters.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2001 2:36 pm
by Weasel
Originally posted by KensaiRyu:
<STRONG>Check the back posts there was a couple people who beat the game without dying, however I think they used Imported characters.</STRONG>
Or have hacked them. :D :D I haven't every made it thru the game without dying at least once. (Imprisonment is included right?? )

Posted: Tue May 29, 2001 9:15 pm
by Nick_Dude
If you have a laptop you can play BG2 while in bed or taking a bath! :eek: ;)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2001 11:54 pm
by Manveru
Hmm... to go through the whole game in this manner ?! But, how much time it would take ? - tired player (after manyhours of playing) may easier make some major mistake and then it is end (this annoying hand on the screen). JMHO.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2001 12:17 am
by Krimmy
Sure it could be done, would take alot of planning before hand but for someone that has gone through the game many times and knows where everything is should be ok. The only thing that might make it highly improbable would be if you made it manditory to kill all 3 evil dragons.


[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Krimmy ]

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Krimmy ]

Posted: Wed May 30, 2001 2:35 am
by Radek
I don't think it is possible even if we allow the "save - quit - go to bed/eat something - load - continue" cycle. Too many events in the game depend on pure luck (your luck). Killing dragons, not being killed by different "death" spells, not being imprisoned by beholders and many other things.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2001 5:43 am
by edguy
It think that if you actually tried to finish the game without reloading you would find it the most boring game you'd ever played, because you would be so afraid to die that you would have to go through all quests (maybe not dragon-killing included) in order to be as prepared as possible for any and all future battles. In addition to that you would most likely rest after each and every battle and carefully plan every spell to memorize and write down a tactics guide for defeating every single hostile creature that you encounter throughout the game.

So basically what I'm saying is: DON'T. Life is too short to spend on playing a game of BG2 that you really wouldn't enjoy anyway. :rolleyes:

Posted: Wed May 30, 2001 6:07 am
by two
Actually I don't think it's very difficult to do at all (no saving, no reloads). If you have played a few times and read some strategies, what is going to kill you? Take a party of 5, include a sorcerer and a Monk and a Beserker, and between them all the "normal" battles are fairly easy. Dragons will fall to the Monk quivering palm or the sorcerer finger of death or, failing that, simple beating. Kangaax is a breeze with Beserker/and or scroll of various protections...vampires are a yawner with improved mace. Throw in a ranger/cleric for laughs. A Thief for traps if you are paranoid.

I was soloing a Bard and without paying much attention got VERY deep without a death (underdark). Of course I generally rest after any decent battle and walk around stone-skinned/fully healed...but it's easy to do with no sleeping penalties in place.

I'm absolutely positive you could do BGII with no reloads, and not paranoia just some simple pre-battle spells/precautions, particularly when you have played it once before.

Another thing to remember: there is NO battle you cannot run away from. None. And usually you are much faster than the baddies -- you always will be with some pre-battle haste. If it looks bad, just run, heal, and go back!

Oh, I guess there ARE some hasted golems that can catch out for them.

I'm fully planning on attempting TOB with no reloads/no saves. Yes, I WILL be paranoid the first time through! But it will be fun. And it will make EVERY battle scary for sure.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2001 7:22 am
by Fatale
Oooo ... what an interesting topic! :)

Sure a BG2 expert can pull it off. No problem, mon ami.

All you need is import a mutant fighter/mage/thief clad in boots of speed, cloak of mirroring, and blackrazor at the start of the game.

This mutant PC must also be already maxed out in experience so you won't have to bother with doing other quests that are not related to the main plot. The boots of speed will quicken the pace of the game so that you won't have to waste time waiting for your PC to get from location A to location B.

I think you can finish the game this way within 16 hours. Non-stop. :eek:

The only downside is that if you plan to do this stunt with party members, you'll run out of NPCs to recruit by the time you reach Chapter 5 :D

Posted: Wed May 30, 2001 3:59 pm
by Kyle Marksteiner
A similar idea- how long can anyone go w/o resting? Fighters, obviously, can go a long time- mages with wands too- clerics get used up pretty fast tho. Right now, I've dong Twisted Rune/Kangaxx, temple quest and asylum stuff w/o resting- tempted to see how long I can go.

I guess the hardest thing would be to solo/ w/o resting and w/o saving/loading (you can save when you go to bed- just not reload)- hardcore BG2 basically.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2001 5:09 pm
by Grendaal
In ToB you could do it with a fighter/Druid with out resting, once past lev 14, as I understand it they don't get tired they only need to rest to get their spells back.