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A Question Regarding Override Files

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:26 pm
by ImmortalFlayer
I think I saw this question some time ago, but I can't seem to find it.

Anyhow, this is my question: does having a lot of files (1000+) in your override folder affect the game performance in any way?

I have about 800 files in the override folder at the moment, but can some of you testify to the stablity or performance issues when you have 2000 or more? (I'm not even sure if that's possible, but then again, I don't install a lot of mods) thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:58 pm
by Numinor
Well, I have installed a lot of mods :D
There are 3.580 files in my override directory, and I haven't noticed any decrease in performance (on an AthlonXP 2000+ with 512 MB Ram)

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 10:04 pm
by ImmortalFlayer
that's certainly good news. i don't think i'd end up having more than 1500 files at the most, though, as i don't install a whole bunch of mods (just my preference). now, i've got a p4 1600 with 512 mb but my game basically freezes if i have environtal sound turned on in the sound option (the one with EAX (?)). ever had this problem? i thought my computer was more than qualified to handle all the hardware acceleration that's ever needed in bg2 (ati radeon 9200 + audigy mp3)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 1:45 am
by Numinor
That's almost the same configuration as my machine, I've ATI Radeon 9200 + SB Audigy2 ZS and there aren't any problems with environmental audio, so I guess it's driver related... do you have the latest drivers installed for your sound- and graphics card ?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:04 am
by ImmortalFlayer
hadn't thought of that...

read your post and got the lastest driver from creative labs. it's fixed now. thanks :D