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heeeeeelp spell usage clarification required

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heeeeeelp spell usage clarification required

Post by DeSeRt_RaIn »

well i used to play D&D quiet often then i moved and i dident play for the majority of 5 years :( but i finnaly found people to play with here but with all the new additions and rules i feel left in the dust and very confused

my friend thinks that there is no limit to the casting of spells in combat save for line of sight turns and such can anyone tell me if there is some restriction on casting like casting over and over is there a limit
my character is a mage and i use magic arrows (or whatever there called) alot and i cant seem to convince myself that sitting in the corner and blasting all the monters away befor i get to you is the correct way

i have high enough intelegence so i never fail a casting
so does it just ignore armor class?
do i have a cast ammount limit in a fight?
what if the monsters have no magic resistance?

im trying to veer away from the posts that say you cant cast mor than one in a turn
i mean the whole fight not in one round :D
thank you for understanding that im rusty on this
i play 2nd edition :D
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Post by Xandax »

I don't know much about 2.edtion but I do know that but spells do have a range connected to them.
Range can be all the way down to 0 and touch in some cases, so you couldn't really sit in a corner. It would depend on the spell.

I don't know if this answers you question?
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Post by Rob-hin »

You can't cast more then one spell in a round.
Perhaps, PERHAPS, when you are hasted but I'm not sure as I play 3.5 rules.

If a monster has no SR, the the spell affects him normally.
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Post by DeSeRt_RaIn »

thank you xandax for reading my post carfully
rob-hin i specificly sayd i was tring to avoid answers that had to do with rounds and i said i meant the entire battle

i said and i quote (copied exactly)

"im trying to veer away from the posts that say you cant cast mor than one in a turn
i mean the whole fight not in one round"

and i understand the range capabilitys it says the "bolts" unaringly hit their targets im just wondering if there is like a limit on casting like "mana"
or i can cast as many as i can during a fight (whole battle)

let me try and clarify
i cast the spell on my turn and then the next turn
is there a point where no matter if it is a different round i cannot cast any more is there a type of mana in that respect or is it only governed by turns?

i hope i got my point across i am finding myself having a lot of trouble explaning exactly what i mean
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Post by DeSeRt_RaIn »

oh and when you cast a spell does it ignore thac0 or is it calculated the same like trying to hit
or does it always hit
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Post by Xandax »


and i understand the range capabilitys it says the "bolts" unaringly hit their targets im just wondering if there is like a limit on casting like "mana"
or i can cast as many as i can during a fight (whole battle)

let me try and clarify
i cast the spell on my turn and then the next turn
is there a point where no matter if it is a different round i cannot cast any more is there a type of mana in that respect or is it only governed by turns?

There is no "mana" in the D&D rules, however all spellcasters have a pool of spells availble (depending on the characters level and his spellcasting attribute).
For instance a wizard could memorize 3 level 1 spells and 2 level 2 spells. This means ones you have casted thoese memorized spells - you are out of spells untill you have time to rest again. Memorized spells are spells you prepare from a known spell list.

oh and when you cast a spell does it ignore thac0 or is it calculated the same like trying to hit
or does it always hit

Some spells requier you to touch the opponent/target. Then there is a "attack roll" to be made. This is not your TACH0 though, because that is for meele/ranged weapons and not magic - but it is a little closer.
Other spells take into account spell resistance and savethrows, so even if a spell hits it dosen't neasecarily do anything (or do full effect).

Hope this helps a little.

However - all these things are (should be) explained in the various material about 2.ed AD&D (and other versions of the D&D ruleset up to the newest 3.5ed D&D). And if you play (or plan to play) I would very much advice you to try and get ahold of a rulebook for the ruleset you are going to play.
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Post by DeSeRt_RaIn »

well thank you very much i do have a rule book but i couldent find my answer there maby i was just being blind but thanx

so what im hearing is if i have 1 type of spell i can only cast that once then i have to rest before i use it again

i hope thats right

thank you again :D
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Post by Xandax »

Pretty much yes.

You have a pool of spells called "Known spells". This pool symbolizes all the spells you know and thus eventually can cast.
From this known spell pool you need to select the spells you wish to memorize. Then you can rest and you will be able to cast all the spells you have memorized.

So if you only have memorized one magic missle you can only cast that one magic missle, before next time you select which spells to memorize and/or rest.

The workings of spell casting is basically the same for all classes, with a few differences, such as Divine casters having access to all spells for their class as "Known spells" where as mages can select some at level up, but have to find scrolls to scripe into their spell book, which adds to their "known spell list". Sorcerers only can select spells at level ups and can't get more known spells like mages.
The last difference is spell casting attribute. Mages use intelligence for spell casting, divine casters (druids, clerics etc) use wisdom and sorcerers in (3.edition rules) use charisma (I'm not sure if they also use charisma in 2.edition).
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Post by DeSeRt_RaIn »

alright i gat that but you said somthin that gave me a whole new question
casnn you learn more than one magic missile isint it just one spell???

maby im just being stupid but i feel that there is a lot that i dont know

i know with each l.........oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh............duh
im sorry im such an idiot nevermind :p
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Post by DeSeRt_RaIn »

and by the way im a level 2 mage! thanx
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Post by Rob-hin »

You should get a Players manual.
There is more to d&d then a couple of rules. You need to know the system.

But yes, you can learn more then one MM. You can pick and devide spells as your level allows.
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Post by Rigrider »

I'm not trying to be a D**K here but, read the "Wizard" description in the player's hand book. If you don't have one, someone in your group should. If no one does then WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING PLAYING D&D?!?!
I'll give you the fact that there are a multitude of books for the game and starting out it seems very daunting. But even a minor attempt to find out about the game tells you you need 3 books as a group: DM's Guide, Player's Handbook, and a monster's manual. As a player there's only 1 book you HAVE to have, or at least have access to (I'm sure you can figure out which one! lol) The question you have been asking here is FULLY explained in the little section called "Classes" under the subheading "Wizard" Go figure!

Ok, I recind my first sentance: I am trying to be a D**K!

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Post by DeSeRt_RaIn »

read what i freekin say dam* you jeasus crist i have a rule book i just needed some answers to guestions that i dident have off of that book :mad: maby its old or a rip off of the real

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Post by Xandax »

Everybody calm down and watch the language.

Taken from the forum rules:
#1 - Flaming, humiliating, ridiculing, or belittling other members will not be tolerated. If you have an issue with another member, take it to private messages or email.

Okay? - take a breath and calm down.

Now - as all this is said - it is adviceble to reread the PHB and get ahold of the rules. The rules in D&D are very important for the game because they descripe the mechanics of the world so to speak - and it is good to have a grasp of them when you play (especially if you play tabletop pen n' paper).

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Post by Rigrider »

DR: Mostly I'm just trying to point out that your question is pretty much covered in the player's handbook. D&D is a game where you REALLY need to read the rules. You say you have "a rulebook." Which one??? What's it called. If it's not one of the basic three stated in my previous post (Heck, for that matter if it's not the PHB) it's not going to do you any good. Get a PHB (Player's Handbook) That's the first step to D&D! That's all I was getting at, you happened to catch me on a bad day. Sorry, sort of......

Xandax: Dude, you gotta know where I'm comming from here! But, short of that, my bad.

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Post by Xandax »


Xandax: Dude, you gotta know where I'm comming from here! But, short of that, my bad.

I know - but nobody forces you to read and reply to questions. So you could just ignore the questions that annoy you :) (easier said then done at times I know that).
Although I agree with your conclusion that the rulebook(s) should be studied deeply to get a grasp of the rules - it can be said nicely :)
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Post by Rigrider »

[QUOTE=Xandax]I know - but nobody forces you to read and reply to questions. So you could just ignore the questions that annoy you :) (easier said then done at times I know that).
Although I agree with your conclusion that the rulebook(s) should be studied deeply to get a grasp of the rules - it can be said nicely :) [/QUOTE]

lol....I did say it nicely....the second time! lol. We all have our bad days bro...that was mine! Anyway, I'm over it, lol!

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