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topic renewed: Where the heck is the adamantium ore?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:19 pm
by beornica
I did a search already, and lifeishell just asked this a few months ago, but maybe NOW someone will know, because I *really really* want to find it. Yes, I know it's in the sewers. WHERE in the sewers??? Anybody seen it? I kept seeing little piles of rubble in the temple sewers and getting all excited... but... to no avail.... :( Can it be found anywhere other than Bamz?

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 12:44 am
by JesterKing
bamz being where? lol i know there is some in the dwemer ruins where you get stuff for trueflame. but there has to be somewhere else because the guy talks about it, and no way his family got adamantim from down there for generations... i mean people do crazy stuff for money but thats taking it over the top.