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New party - Need your opinion.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:27 pm
by SP101
Is this party strong enough to go trough SoA & ToB with every improved fight/enemies (except Beholders, MindFlayers and Golems)

- Human Skald (Blunt Weapons)
- Haer'Dalis (Bladed Weapons)
- Aerie (Staves & Slings)
- Jan Jansen (Crossbow & S.Sword) or Imoen (Staves, Bows & Crossbows)

As you can see, I love magic-users. I want my whole party to be able of casting spells.

- My bards will use magic to buff themselves (Stoneskin, Mirror Image) and to kill enemies (Sunfire come in mind).
- Aerie will use general buffings (Negative Plane Protection, Defensive Harmony, Haste, Chaotic Command, etc.) and healing spells
- Jan/Imoen will be there to kill enemies with pure-damages spells (Magic Arrows, Skull Trap, etc.). She will wear the Robe of Vecna.

Another question : Should I keep Jan or should I take Imoen? I would take Imoen because she make a greater mage than Jan, but I also like that little turnip-lover because he's a dual-class and will get both classes HLAs.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:57 pm
by Rob-hin
I don't care much for balancing parties.
Take whoever you like, BG is doable, even with improved opponents.

That given, I think your party is ok. But a pure character is recommended instead of a multy class. This counts double for a mage. take the stronges mage and let the Divine magic up to Aerie.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 9:00 pm
by Tower_Master
It's ok...

Like Mr. Rob-Hin said, BGII is doable with any possible combination. The game isn't incredibly hard, with the right strategy, so, there's not a single party that's really all that bad. However, you REALLY miss out on some fun stuff if you short-stack your party with less then 5 NPCs- sure, you get more XP, bla bla blaa, but even if they're just baggage, party members are fun (or funNY). I seriously reccomend adding Minsc - anyone who isn't familiar with a Miniature Giant Space Hamster seriously needs to re-evaluate there outlook on life. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 7:47 am
by SP101
I played sooo many time with minsc (and Edwin) before.. that's why I don't want to take them again.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 12:37 pm
by nephtu
My 2 gold worth...

Play what you like, you'll be fine, unless you somehow get an all transmuter / beastmaster party - and maybe even then :eek:

I've been mucking about with caster-heavy parties (THREE sorcerors, no less) - but really melee is where it's at for me, so I've restarted with a three Kensai (PC Dwarven Kensai/Thief, Chloe, Edwin hacked to half elven Kensai/Mage multi) + Jaheira as tank (hacked to Ranger/Druid multi) party - I'm loving it ;)

I may boot Edwin for either Valen and/or Solaufein, haven't decided yet.