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NPC will not drop this item?!.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 3:38 pm
by mrdwho
Someone please help me, I have ALOT of items on my toons that I get this message on. I cant sell, trade, or drop these items. I'm running out of room with each character and I don't want to kill the toon to get the items away from them. It seems to happen for the items that I pick up off the temple floors. This game seems to be more trouble than fun about half the time.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 6:33 pm
by ordnaryjones
Install the co8 patch, npc's will only loot money and gems. What do you mean by "toons"?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:07 am
by mrdwho
My toons are my created characters. They are the ones holding the items, not the NPC's. I have both patches installed from the atari site, is this c08 patch different? If so, where do I download it from?