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Ordinators in Vivec trying to kill me

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 12:17 pm
by Petra
Help! The ordinators in Vivec won't leave me alone. I took armor off a dead ordinator at a daedric ruin, and now they want to kill me. I tried ditching the armor, but it doesn't matter. It's really a nuisance. They don't dialogue with me now, they just attack. Any ideas or help would be appreciated :(

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 12:28 pm
by Rane
Did you at any time enter Vivec with any piece of the Indoril armor on? Once I did so and was instantly attacked by one of the Ordinators. Exiting the town and coming back with armor off but still in my inventory solved my problem though...

However, I've understood that sometimes when you kill an Ordinator they might be mad at you forever with no chance to make amends with them. Hasn't happened to me, yet....

Edit: Also found a thread where they discussed this. Note: For PC users only, sadly...

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 12:57 pm
by Petra
Okay, I'll try leaving the city first to take indoril armor off. I tried the thread you provided, but it said "page is expired". Thanks for your help, though!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:14 pm
by Rane
Expired? Oh bloody... Here is a good example of how fast threads die...
Let's see if I can still remember the commands for seizing the attacks...
Here's the commands:
"ordinator_stationary"->SetFight 10
"ordinator_wander"->SetFight 10

Unfortunately I'm not 100% sure of the guards' IDs... and I haven't got Morrowind on this PC...

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 8:07 pm
by Petra
Well, leaving all the indoril armor in Balmora didn't do the trick. I tried the code you so kindly gave me, but that didn't work either. I tried the thread you suggested and it worked this time(go figure) so I tried the code again,but I have a sneaking suspicion that maybe I'm not entering it correctly. I tried hitting the enter key before and after typing in the code, then I tried just pressing the enter key after typing the code, but nothing worked. I'm not at a high enough level to just kill the ba*****s, so if you have any other suggestions or anything, I'd be eternally grateful. But don't get any ideas. I only take my clothes off for Crassius Curio :p

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 2:34 am
by Rane
Indeed the Ordinators' IDs were wrong. The real ones and the commands needed are here:

"ordinator stationary"->StopCombat
"ordinator stationary"->SetFight 10

"ordinator wander"->StopCombat
"ordinator wander"->SetFight 10

"ordinator_high fane"->StopCombat
"ordinator_high fane"->SetFight 10

"ordinator_wander_hvault"->SetFight 10

"ordinator_wander_tvault"->SetFight 10

"ordinator wander_hp"->StopCombat
"ordinator wander_hp"->SetFight 10

That's all Ordinator IDs I found in TES so I hope it will do the trick.
Hmmph, why is it always the weird ones that get all the girls... ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:17 am
by Davidetuna

Hi, Petra.
You can always join the Tribunal Temple. Then the Ordinatros will leave you alone. By joining the Temple, it will increase the deposition of the Ordinators. You don't have to take any duties from the Temple, just join them. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm
by Maruchan
look at it this way if you kill them there is no bounty :) so you get there armour and its all worth at least 15000 and just take it to the creeper :D

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:14 pm
by Davidetuna
That's another way to do it, Maruchan. :) Nice nick, by the way :D

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 2:07 pm
by Petra
Well, I am already a temple member, but they won't give me any quests because I call myself the "Nerevarine". I went back to the High Fane anyway to see if there was something I could do to get the ordinators off my back. (Okay,well truthfully, I forgot I was already a member heehee :( ) Anyway,what's weird is that the ordinators guarding the high fane leave me alone. But they come running from the other cantons while I'm there! Also, if I go into the Hall of Wisdom the ords in there immediately chase me. I guess I'll try Rane's suggestion. I have no opposition to the cheats, I just can't seem to make them work. I need to get into the Hlaalu vault, but there are at least 2 of them in there. If the cheats don't work should I try calm humanoid? I don't seem to be capable yet of killing them, which is what I'd like to do at this point.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 2:22 pm
by Maruchan
if they attack you can you get back outside, cus you could attack them when your health gets low run outside, or inside, and rest then go back until your strong enough to getum. Its also a good way to level

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 1:35 pm
by [DecoY]
I've had that problem too...
in Mournhold...
It really is tiresome to keep killing the High Ordinators, they're so strong...

And then I ran into 'Godsreach', and met the "Hand" there.

and died...

Moral of the story?
NEVER, EVER wear an ordinator helm or cuirass!! (the rest is fine...)

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:34 pm
by Sean The Owner
if your on x box theres nothing you can do and the ordinators outside the high fane are named ordinators so they wont attack you.