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Blessings from shrines/alters and spell absorbtion

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:18 pm
by Jobby
Is there a description somewhere of what each blessing from shrines such St Rilms, St Veloth etc does (the ones found in temples) and secondly does spell absorbtion prevent the spell having any benefit. My character's sign is the Atronach and I have the feeling that the blessings are being absorbed because no icons are showing indicating their effect.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:26 pm
by fable
Let me see if I remember this one:

Fields of Kummu: Feather blessing.

Vivec Temple Palace, go to the top of the stairs: 24-hour Mercantile skill improvement.

Vivec Temple District, Westen Wall: 12-hour levitation blessing.

Gnisis Temple: Spell to cure common disease upon touch.

Koal Cave, south of Gnisis: You get a dreugh cuirass, I think.

Northeast of Ghostgate: 24-hour fortify magicka blessing. Requires a soul gem.

Puzzle Canal: 24-hour swift swim and water breathing. Involves drowning.

That help?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:45 pm
by Jobby

Sorry, I didn't mean the Pilgrims PAth blessings but the ones you get from the little alters in temples. For example the temple in Vivec has alters to each of the saints and each one confers a different blessing. I am wondering what each blessing actually does.
