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What's a wife worth?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:59 am
by Splat_Phastkyl
So, I looked all around and I didn't see anything about this, so I figured I'd drop a note about it.

On the Gypse Road quest, after you return the orb to Mona, you can talk to her about freeing up Serena.
Now, I don't know if this only came up because I was running a CE party, but along the conversation you get a chance to offer to trade Meleny for Serena's freedom.
And when you do, of course, Meleny protests and you just tell her that Serena is more important and she complies.

After that, Meleny leaves your party, but stays there with Mona.
Serena joins your party.
For an experiment I talked to Meleny and she rejoined the party as well.

Now, there seems to be a fall out from this.
When you return to Homlett and go visit Filkin, he's quiet upset at something you did to his daughter.
Both him and his other daughter will attack you, even if you try to console the old man about doing the best for his litter girl.

Now the twisted part of all of this:
So, Mona basically fronts for the Brothel. When you trade Meleny for Serena, you're basically selling your wife into prostitution.
When you take her back, and talk with her, she calls your character 'love' and 'love her life', etc.
So, Filkins' all mad because you sold his little girl into prostitution after you married her, but she still loves you for, or despite, it.
There's just something wrong with that, you know? :rolleyes: :D

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:37 am
by Eflat
If you're evil, which I never play much - and have the brothel open via co8 patch - you can trade Meleny straight to Ophelia for Riana... I never do though as if you solve the quest with Jenelda, you can get Riana for just 50 gold - with the who do you reccomend selection from Ophelia. The option to invite Riana is then enabled. This works with any party alignment except LG.