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what guild should I join

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what guild should I join

Post by SupaCat »

I am master of Haulu, temple and thief guild. And im member of morag tong (dow I HATE THEM). What now? +what is the deal with the blades and that other group of main quest.YOU CANT BE LEADER OF THEM OR WATH
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Post by Rane »

Spoilerish info:

As a matter of fact, you are named leader of the Blades when Caius leaves later on in the quest. And the only other faction connected to the main quest I can think of is the Ashlanders. Their highest rank is basically Nerevarine so in a way you become the leader of them as well.

Feel free to choose between the remaining guilds; the Imperial Legion, Fighters' Guild and Mages' Guild. It's all a matter of taste basically. Of course you will need to be skilled in the favoured in order to rise in the ranks.
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Post by fable »

You can join any and all guilds. It's not realistic in that respect--you wouldn't expect to be able to join the Imperials and the Dummer Temple, for example--but there it is. All you need to meet are the various basic requirements for each.
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Post by SupaCat »

well i cant choose fightersguild can I? with thiefguild you accuatly destroy fighterguild.
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Post by lifeishell91 »

You wont have a lot of trouble (I think) but the only conflicting quest I know of is the {hightlight -> Code book quest where you have to retreive a code book from a member of the theives guild, but because for some reason she won't give it to you because your in the Theives Guild too, use the serch button and search for 'Code Book Quest' to get more information since this topis has been disscussed alot before... <- highlight}

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Post by Davidetuna »

You can join all of them.
I helped a member of the Thiefs' Guild in Caldera, and I'm a member of Fighter's Guild. That thief says she will speak well of me for the Thief Guild. In that way , it make it easier to join.

Another situation, an mission from the fighters' guild, I suppose to clean out a egg mine from a necromancer. It was up north of Vvardenfall, close to Khuul or Gnisis. Close to the egg mine, there was a member of the Redraron House who lost his wife to some Deadra worshipper. They were gathering in a Deadra ruin nearby. He said he will speak well of me if I ever wanted to join redraron House.

So, there's always a chance to join the opposite guild, like both Theif Guild & Fighter Guild.
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Post by Loredweller »


So, there's always a chance to join the opposite guild, like both Theif Guild & Fighter Guild.[/QUOTE] Just be careful with Code Book quest, do not expose yourself as working for Comona Tong and do not shed any blood (there is a way ;) )
Also better stick with Ald Ruhn Fighters Guild Steward if you're going to become also the Thiefs' Master (you couldn't if you did the Kill Bosses quests)

Yes, you have to choose one House forever (or none if you wish), for the rest you may advance to the top of any other faction (save Comona Tong).

BTW, one more advice for becoming the Grandmaster of Morag Tong - try to do it early (save the actually stepping into the Grandmaster's rank if you're going to collect all Sanguine items). Every 2 completed writs give a point to reputation there. However, if you'd already ocassionally killed somebody there's a a writ for, it'd not counted as "honorable death", so no reputation gain then.

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Post by Davidetuna »

[QUOTE=Loredweller]Just be careful with Code Book quest, do not expose yourself as working for Comona Tong and do not shed any blood (there is a way ;) )
Also better stick with Ald Ruhn Fighters Guild Steward if you're going to become also the Thiefs' Master (you couldn't if you did the Kill Bosses quests)

Yes, you have to choose one House forever (or none if you wish), for the rest you may advance to the top of any other faction (save Comona Tong).

BTW, one more advice for becoming the Grandmaster of Morag Tong - try to do it early (save the actually stepping into the Grandmaster's rank if you're going to collect all Sanguine items). Every 2 completed writs give a point to reputation there. However, if you'd already ocassionally killed somebody there's a a writ for, it'd not counted as "honorable death", so no reputation gain then.[/QUOTE]

The code book quest? You mean the code book quest in Balmora Fighter's Guild? The one that the pawnbroker in Thief's guild has? I bribed her with 100 gold, no need for bloodshed. :)
Comona Tong, I hate them. And the Duke Dren's Brother, too. Hope I get to kill him first. :)
The Houses, aren't you suppose to join them all to complete the Morrowind part?
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Post by Davidetuna »

I have joined both Imperial cult & the Tribunal Temple, isn't that conflicting?
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Post by SupaCat »

wath does the cult do?
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Post by lifeishell91 »

They don't have any conflicting quests, no.

The Imperial Cult worship the Nine, Zenithar, Mara etc.
Their quests are alot different to the other guilds, they are way more fun :D
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Post by Davidetuna »

[QUOTE=SupaCat]wath does the cult do?[/QUOTE]

Cool stuff. There are 3 different persono to take quests from. Lay healer, gives you missions to learn about natural medicine. Almoner, begging money from different people and organizations. Shrine sergant, foot solders of the Imperial cult. I took missioins from all 3. Shrine sergant deal with occult stuff, kind of nice. Helping people dealing with ghosts and the like.
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Post by lifeishell91 »

There is also Oracle quests (from the Oracle at the Altar) which are a bit more dangerous.
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Post by JesterKing »

dangerous yes... but more rewarding. much more rewarding. besides the religions dont truly conflict... the dunmer temple believes that the nine divines exist, and the cult knows the tribunal exists, and they acknowledge eachoters power. nifty setup.
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