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Need help!!

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Need help!!

Post by Hethrir »

I have just finished the quest to get the Moon and Star ring, after returning to the wise woman she told me the head of the temple wanted to see me. After going to him, he sent me to Vivec. Vivec gave me wraithguard and told me how to kill Dagoth Ur. Does anyone know why I somehow skipped a lot of the game?! :confused: :confused: :confused:
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Post by SupaCat »

Did you get a movie? If so .............................................


You must be horatur (or something) and nerevarine of the 3 houses and 3 ashlander camps.

Spoiler (agian)

To destroy dagoth ur you must have keening and sunder. but you probo you that.
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Post by Rane »

This is how it should be:

The Wise Woman gives you seven trials. The first is that you fullfill the prophecies (eg outlander, certain sign etc etc...). The second is the immunity to disease (corprus cure). The third is the Trial of the Warrior and of Wisdom (getting the bow for the Askhan and the Moon-And-Star for the Wise Woman). The fourth is getting the three Great Houses to name you Hortator and the Fifth is convincing the four Ashlander Tribes that you are Nerevar. The Sixth and the Seventh won't take place before you meet Vivec so no problem there.

The meeting with Saryon (head of the temple) may get triggered earlier but you shouldn't go to him before you are both Hortator of all the three Houses and Nerevarine of all four Tribes. At least that's what the journal says.

So you have either done it already, since you don't have to do the Trials in any specific order, or your game has just been somehow messed up.

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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=Hethrir]I have just finished the quest to get the Moon and Star ring, after returning to the wise woman she told me the head of the temple wanted to see me. After going to him, he sent me to Vivec. Vivec gave me wraithguard and told me how to kill Dagoth Ur. Does anyone know why I somehow skipped a lot of the game?! :confused: :confused: :confused: [/QUOTE]
Feel free either to postpone the visit (to Vivec) and do all other things to fullfil the prophecy or make a short cut, at the end it won't make any difference (save you won't be recognized by three Houses and Four Tribes ). BTW, IMHO you might just to pick the lock of Vivec Palace and go stright to Him. :)

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Post by Hethrir »

They gave me the key to Vivec's palace. But I'll try going back and doing the parts it skiped. Thanks.
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Post by Anonononomous »

Yes, that same thing happened to me, thenI posted here and people told me that I still had to become hortator and Nerevarine.
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Post by giles337 »

if you do pick the lock, vivec will not talk to you, as you have not been summoned, however, if you have somehow messed up earlier in the game, then you can skip all the previous stuff, kiill vivec, get the wraithguard, and carry on from there.
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Post by Rookierookie »

If you took too long being named Hortator and Nerevarine (not sure about the time, but certainly after 150 days of total game time you have already took too long--even if you just received the quest) the wise woman will ask why you aren't fulfilling the prophecies, and tell you to go to Saryoni. You can skip a LOT this way--being named Nerevarine is a damn annoying task. However, it can be rewarding if you try to get the place of Hortator and Nerevarine first, since you get some pretty decent items.
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