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Interpretations of the Ending (SPOILERS)

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:33 pm
by Ben_Albright
When the Nameless One reawakens on another plane (assuming he merges with the Transcendent One), I made the assumption that he had awoken on Carceri (looked like it) and was off to randomly partake in a blood war battle as part of his punishment. I am curious, does this mean the Nameless One is a petitioner? If so, did he lose all his memories? (as petitioners do when they die) Any other thoughts on the ending?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:51 pm
by Ben_Albright
Also, does the Nameless One have the same strength he did before he defeated the Transcendent One, or is he just a dead duck for the ongoing battle?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:24 pm
by Nightmare
Well, now that he's merged with his mortality, fate has caught up with him, and he must serve in the Blood War to repay the one sin his original self did, which was the whole reason to become immortal.

I don't remember the details about being a petitioner, but you may be on to something there.

Also, now that he's merged with his mortality, I assume he is very powerful now...though, is he still immortal? Fate has caught up with him, yes, but can he actually die now?

Also, the Blood War will always be fought (its the nature of the war), so is he doomed to fight for all eternity?

Also, I'd like to know the original sin the first incarnation did that was so bad.