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Evil or Solo?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 1:20 pm
by Nightmare
I am going to start a new game, and I was wondering: should I go with an evil party (with Korgan, Viconia, etc.), or should I try solo? I'm not a big fan of solo, but I could give it a shot. Suggestions?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 2:00 pm
by Bruce Lee
Well if you don't want to solo I can suggest to play evil if you haven't. That was a great party. Korgan, Viconia, Edwin and a pc that is a thief of some kind. Halfling swashbuckler is great.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 2:06 pm
by Nightmare
I was thinking:
Me (Bezerker)

Jan isn't evil, so I think he'll last (correct me if I'm wrong).

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 2:19 pm
by Bruce Lee
I am not gonna tell you how to play but Korgan is a berserker too... don't you wanna be original?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 5:02 pm
by nael
i say go both...evil and solo...

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 8:07 pm
by Andrew Shih
You learn so much when you go solo--it's great to get to know a character in-depth instead of for example having a party of six where each individual only fulfills a fraction of their potential.

I enjoyed my part of four game and my duo game, but my last few games have been solo and it's like playing a new game entirely.

IF you are going solo, I would suggest some kind of ranger/cleric combo.


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 8:15 pm
by silencer
I'm with Nael. Evil and Solo is the best of both worlds. I've solo'd through the game with a sorcerer, a berserker, and a monk and all three were more fun for me than playing through with a party

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 7:37 am
by nael
the only thing that i missed about playign with a full party were the dialogues... mainly minsc.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 7:44 am
by Astafas
The more, the merrier! Finding good party combinations is what the game is about to me. Go for an neutral/evil party with you, Korgan, Vic, Edwin, Jan and Cernd.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 10:25 am
by Nightmare
Conterary to what I said my party was going to be, I was thinking a Swashbuckler/Fighter. I was going to dual at level 8 or 9. This means I won't need Jan in my party, so I can keep my party evil. I don't enjoy soloing that much.