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Merc. Mud Crab

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 8:58 am
by Maruchan
does he regenerate his monay or do you just completely deplete him and thats it. all gone. :(

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:12 am
by fable
He regenerates cash. It's probably all those sand dollars, you know.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:38 am
by Maruchan
lol, ya but onother game I had been playin I spent 5 hours easy lookin in the wrong place (thanxs to my cousin) for the crab when i found him I sold him a bound katana and he never got his money back I was pissed :(

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:57 am
by unregisturd
Hey Maruchan, I had this in one of my other posts so I thought I'd just come by and drop it here. Thought it might help you:

And... While I was playing around with stuff last night with Morrowind, I went to go see the Mudcrab, and I don't know about other people but I ALWAYS have trouble finding his little island. So I was like, "How can I make it so I'll remember where his island is?" Well, I looked in my inventory and noticed I was carrying a lot of Large Kwama Eggs, so I was like, "That's it!" So what I did is I took the Eggs and I laid them down on top of the water and circled the island with them. And then I took the rest and made a trail to the shore where I usually enter the water at. (I usually take the Silt Strider to Suran and then fly over the mountains from there.) Anyways, I thought I'd just share that with you guys, in case anyone needed a little help remembering like I did. It is quite helpful. Somebody else might have thought of this before I did, and kudos to you. You are far more intelligent than I to not have struggled finding the island before figuring something out.

And :rolleyes: :o @ fable.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 11:39 am
by Maruchan
yes I have seen it and I probly will since its such a good idea, its just I kinda rememba where it is because it took me forever to find him :D thanks for the help

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 1:43 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=unregisturd]And :rolleyes: :o @ fable.[/QUOTE]

Tough crowd. :p

But in any case, merchants always refresh their cash over time. The rate at which they do this varies according to whether you're playing a vanilla game or one with mods.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:21 pm
by Maruchan
ooowwww im on the box...... for now but soon on pc I get my new alienware soon then mod city :D