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Building speachcraft the not so fast but easy way

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:03 am
by Kesla_koiL
As many of you may know speachcraft is one of the harder attributes to build because those who teach it are hard to find. Then again I've always said that if it doesn't dammage tools or weapons, GO FOR IT! Building this attribute is easier than many of you may think. You simply find some one (Preferrably in Balmora between the manor district and the river) and you admire them over and over as many times as your finger can stand to click the a button on the Xbox controller or the mouse button if you have it on the PC. I'm not going to kid you, THIS TAKES a while. Eventually though you will have some success at it.
What's the point you ask? Well you see it's this simple. Merchants and travle guides give you a much better deal if they "like" you with let's say around 90% to 100% and they don't charge near as much for their services. This also makes it easier to make money if you visit the scamp in Caldera. I'd suggest having the spells Mark and Recal first though. That way if you get over encumbered you can just recal youself to the scamp. Just remember to mark close enough to him to barter...

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:05 am
by Opalescence
Another thing on that: try admiring wandering guys in Balmora first, not the merchants and siltstrider guys. Why? Because if you FAIL at pursuasion, they like you less, and if they get to 0 disposition it's VERY hard to get them back into the black without shelling out the dough. So, when you're first starting to train speechcraft, try it on innocent bystanders first, because it don't matter if they like you or hate you. Random wandering guards work too...

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:51 pm
by Anonononomous
Uh, Creeper and Crabby don't care about your speechcraft. They're creatures, so they don't have a disposition. They just pay market value for items.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 1:06 pm
by Ideal Maxima
OR if u hav some dough go to wolverine hall mages guild and talk to the lizard gy or argonian (wot eva u wanna call it) and ask him about training he'll teach u up 100 i think... i never really found out i got up to 70 and gave up cuz my personnality wasn't high enough (governing attribute). to get him to train u, u hav to do mission for the lady in Ald Ruhn mages guild. eventually she's gonna giv u a mission to go to wolverine hall and get some potons from the lizard man, and after u get the potions he'll train u all u want :D

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:55 pm
by fable
Admire, taunt and intimidate Commoners. Much easier in the long run.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:54 pm
by HiRo11er
I find speechcraft to be one of the easiest to develop.
First of all, you can train it anytime, all the time, for as much as you want. Secondly, Caius himself will train you up to around 50-60, and it's kinda hard to avoid him... Also, Skink in the Sadrith Mora mage's guild will train you up to 70-something... It usually becomes a secondary skill of mine if I need to 'fill the load', because it helps me level up... :)