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Chosen of Cyric (spoilers ahoy)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:14 am
by Thrain
okay, so my solo character is happily going around Amn grounding various dragons, demi-liches and drow into the dirt.

i kick Bohdi's sorry undead behind and leave with the lanthorn (chapter 6 :) ) and get the chosen of cyric encounter. Being the chaotic neutral kinda guy that i am, my charactert doesn't take kindly to being threatened by a bunch of guys who trapped me. went through the dialogue, used the slayer change to scare them off and ripped off the leader's head. so the rest of them start to attack. no problem, thinks i. unfortunately, i'm fatigued and then get hit with a greater malison as soon as the fight starts. the two fighters then promptly take me apart. my AC is like -7 atm, how do these guys hit every single time?

does anyone have any tips for a solo and the chosen of cyric?

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:36 am
by Sytze
What's your class??

Even I had problems with an entire party against them though, especially since the leader kept backstabbing me. Use invisibilty potions to clear from the battle every now and then and heal yourself. Also, use summons from staffs and other items.

I can't really give you more tactics, since I don't know with what class you're soloing...

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:40 am
by Sytze
Another note; the Chosen of Cyric encounter is a component from the Apack mod, not from Unfinished Business...

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:52 pm
by Something
Thrain I hope at this point you are using the SoM with your FMC(atleast I assume you are still playing that class)

I believe used a wand to summon some trash to give me a few seconds, then started summoning skellies to replace the dead trash. I also keep doom, greater mali, lower resist in a trigger. I used that on one guy and then Fingered him. I used the Staff to stay inviso most of the time between casting spells. Using the staff to reinviso right after true sight goes off. And tried to use summons and quick spells to hurt what I could. After the first couple dropped and I had some breathing room I cast Energy Blades and used those up finishing another guy.

After that I just used the staff activated Fireshield and bladebarrier and worked the rest over. I believe the rod of resurrection came in handy a couple of times for healing.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 3:13 pm
by Thrain
yes i am a FMC, yes i do have the SotM but am not currently weilding it (did have crom and MoD for Bodhi). the leader is dead as he dies during the slayer transformation to start the battle.

i have no wands to summon stuff, nor do i have a fully charged rod of ressurection, nor am i using the robe of vecna as i consider it too cheesy.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 3:48 pm
by Something
Thrain it would help to know what lvls you are so I had an idea of what spells you have available.

mainly becuase you offed part of what I used.

Oh and what Items would be nice :)