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Need Someone To Buy My Stuff!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:06 pm
by zombiefister
i have thousands of $ worth of wepons and armor. but i have yet to find a trader or someone who has enough gold to buy my 10000 axes and such. also can some helpful soul tell me the location of this creeper character? thanks for the helps!
good journeys

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:15 pm
by Rane
The Creeper is in Caldera, in the Ghorak Manor. Just watch out for the orcs, some of them may be ill-tempered :D
The Creeper has 5000 gold which replenishes in 24 hours. So first sell him the stuff worth less than 5000 so that he has something to sell back. When you want to sell something worth more than 5000 first offer it, then buy some of the stuff you sold earlier back so that he will pay a little less than 5000.

Lets say you have a bunch of low grade steel stuff and a really powerful item worth 10 000. First sell all the 'crap', resting when his money runs out. Then when you want to sell the 10 000 gold item offer it, then pick back some of the items you sold earlier to him so that he will pay about 5000. Then when you've sold the item you can sell the 'crap' back to him.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:37 pm
by Ideal Maxima
well actually , ther's the armorer in mournhold (the great bazzar) hoo has 10000$. I get ALL my money from her. and if want i can giv ua tip on gettin 200k+ $ EASILY! ;)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:45 pm
by Rane
There are many facts that may lead to one using the Creeper above all.
First of all: Mercantile doesn't affect him. Which is good for characters with a really high mercantile.
Second: He really stands out from the crowd.
Third: He is creeping!
And finally: Not everyone has got Tribunal.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:56 pm
by Ideal Maxima
any way for the people that do hav tribunal the EASIEST way to get money is by killing the ordinator in the armorers office and takin the ordintors armor
and sellin it to the armorer sell each peice for nearly 10000 and every time she runs out of money jus wait 24 hrs and when u go outside talk to an ordinator and turn your self in( costs like 2500) and keep like 20000k jus for your self :D

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 1:04 pm
by Rane
Sure you can try to kill the High Ordinator if you want to :D
But some will find it to be quite the challenge. A level 60 guard with every attribute at 100 (except Luck at 80), 500 health, long blade, medium and heavy armor at 100 and an ebony scimitar might be too overwhelming for the average adventurer. :rolleyes:

And isn't the normal fee for killing someone 1040? Or is it different when it comes to the High Ordinator? Can't say I've ever bothered to check that thing.

Edit: And quick question, what's the deal with the signature? :eek:

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 1:29 pm
by Rane
Ah, cheats... Well, try killing an ordinator without cheats and report back with the results, since I doubt that everyone else here also cheats... or am I totally wrong?

And you misunderstood my comment about the signature. I didn't mean to sound critical or negative. I was just pointing out that the usage of the larger fonts may not be encouraged. Or I don't know... Maybe it just looks weird in my eyes since I'm used to go by the standards. :rolleyes:

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 1:33 pm
by Ideal Maxima
when i said i used cheats i meant i used it when i was 19 now i jus use my hopesfire or somtin like that... u no that blue thng that almelexia gives up after u kill her.... any way i jus use that and kill anything that stands in my way i barly even need to use the code i jus kill every thing around me and take a nap to restore my helth :p

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 1:57 pm
by unregisturd
Every xboxer has the codes. I don't know what it is for PC. They aren't that big of a secret... Sorry to say. :rolleyes:

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:04 pm
by giles337

I am a loyal x-boxer through and through... but codes?!!?!?! explain......

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:53 pm
by Locke Da'averan
well this is just my opinion...
everyone's free to play how they want, but i don't get the fact that you, Darc_Elv_Nyte give a tip how to get easy money, by saying, kill them, it's easy just cheat, isn't it easier to simply cheat in money than to use cheats to actually be able to kill smth??

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 3:00 pm
by unregisturd
Cheat at your own risk...


I am a loyal x-boxer through and through... but codes?!!?!?! explain......

You want the cheats? Well, here they are in black (highlight to read):
1. Go to your stats menu, where it shows your "Health, Magicka, Fatigue, etc."
2. Highlight Health, Magicka, or Fatigue, whichever you wish to regenerate.
3. For:
-Health, press "black, white, black, black, black. Hold A."
-Magicka, press "black, black, white, white, black, white. Hold A."
-Fatigue, press "black, black, white, white, black. Hold A."
4. After doing this, you can then choose which of the three you want to stay permanently up (while you are in actual game-play). Say you wanted Health to stay up, highlight it, tap in the code, then before letting go of "A", hit "B" so you exit the menu. Now, when you get hit, your health will go down, but it will then rise back up. You can do this for either Health, Magicka, or Fatigue. It doesn't make you completely invincible, for if you are hit multiple times by stronger opponents, they can still kill you, because it takes a few seconds for your health to fully regenerate.

I used these on an older character, and it was fun for the beginning (when you are so unrealistically weak), but then, as I progressed, it got to be boring, and maybe even ruined the game for me a little. Use the codes at your own risk. I don't know if cheats spoil things for anyone else, but they do for me. (Like Starcraft, I used to be good 'til I used cheats. Now I suck and the cheats are like drugs. Everytime I my base is invade I'm like, "Uh... Uh... POWER OVERWHELMING! But... I'm getting off-point.)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 3:02 pm
by unregisturd
[QUOTE=Locke Da'averan]well this is just my opinion...
everyone's free to play how they want, but i don't get the fact that you, Darc_Elv_Nyte give a tip how to get easy money, by saying, kill them, it's easy just cheat, isn't it easier to simply cheat in money than to use cheats to actually be able to kill smth??[/QUOTE]

For xbox players, we don't have cheats for such things like money. We have only the three cheats aforementioned in my last post. :rolleyes:

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 9:24 pm
by dairy
i never use the x box cheats and i never die :) the trick is to get your char up to lvl 50 or so before you really start i love power gaming ;)

just go around making money training up your sneak skill and keeping your agility ahead of it. once you get lvl 100 sneak there is only one thing (that i've found) that you cant steal. ghostgate is a goldmine for stealing. as well daedric lords are good for $$ too 'cause they often have daedric weapons. even that crappy daedric club is worth 10k.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:54 pm
by fable
It would seem that this question has been answered, and several others, as well, which have nothing to do with the subject. Thread closed. ;)