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wookie planet, glitch or me?

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 7:04 pm
by drap85uk
im not sure if anyone looks at these posts anymore, i checked every page and nowhere can i find anything related to this.

i went to wookie planet after doing everything on other planets (got all the star maps on all other planets) i then spoke to the hologram thing in lower shadow lands, and said stuff which is the light side, he then more or less told me to f**k off so i did, then two days later went back there, now there is no hologram there! i cant work out wats wrong, the big problem is, i dont have a save close to that part, i would have wasted like 13 hours if i cant sort this out...

---all i see is the machine with no hologram, cant click nothing. and when i click on star map, it mentions its sealed (oh i killed the two defense droids if that helps)

plz help tyvm - impatiently waiting reply :)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 7:15 pm
by dairy
you already killed the droids eh....are you sure you dont already have the coordinates from that planet then? check your journal to make sure. dont know what else it could be.

ps. this is a fairly busy forum and the moderators seem to know their stuff. if you have a question you'll likely get an answer here.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 7:26 pm
by Darth_Gizka
Hmm what do you mean by days?

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 9:18 pm
by LastManStanding
leave the planet

You have all the other starmaps EH

SPOILER BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

leave the planet and you should be ambushed by sith and you will find out somthing about your character then you should be able to get your final starmap

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 2:29 am
by MalaksBane
[QUOTE=drap85uk]...all i see is the machine with no hologram, cant click nothing. and when i click on star map, it mentions its sealed (oh i killed the two defense droids if that helps)


Immidiately after killing the droids, talk to hologram again, you'll get the starmap and it will shutdown.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:25 am
by drap85uk

yeh i killed the droids, the problem is the hologram thing isnt there!, the machine hes on is but not him! i click on the star map and it says it sealed!!! wdf is going on, must be glitch, oh well might as well start again! ty all

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:08 pm
by Xavier
Are you sure you don,t have the Kashyyyk Star Map, because in this particular quest, you,re able to get it no matter what!

After destroyng the droids he tells you he manages to evaluate your combat skills and that now you fill in the patterns that gives you access to the Star Map. The map highlights and automatically goes to your inventory.

Next time you try to reach it, it,s actually sealed.

Guess it,s all i can say about it.