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What's a good Build?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 12:53 pm
by Skuld
OK. So I'm a chronic restarter. At the momment the character I have that's most advanced through the game is an unarmed demokin with thought: protective. I've started a sylvant electro-mage, and a feralkin two hander. I'd like to start a human I'm not to sure if I wanna use magic. I'm debating whether to go for ranged weapons or not. Are they any good? And I'd like to have the ability to talk my way though a lot of situations. Possibly a thief type character. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 1:07 pm
by Volk
Ranged weapons dont pay off IMO, start a sylvant fire mage and follow this build, you should be fine, why fire mage? because you can get a +200% increased fire damage from items and perks, this results in fireball dooing some masive damage and knocking people down too.

Sylvant Male/Female dosent matter.

Max Charisma/Perception/Inteligence ( loads of mana which you cant do without )

Distribute the rest of the stats as you see fit, the above three are neccesary to be maxed IMO.

As tagged skills take Thaught Magic Fire, Thieving Diplomacy, and Either Divine Magic Fortitude, or Tribal Magic Protective and use them to heal, for the record i had Tribal magic and i saw no bonus to taking the Divine one but its a choice.

Take any perks that increase fire damage first then the perk which reduces the cost of casting thaught magic, and take Skilled and Gifted as your traits at character creation.

You need to keep your diplomacy very high because its crutial as well as your fire magic, your diplomacy should reach about 210 close to the end, because you can use diplomacy to beat hard bosses very simply by making smart choices in the dialogue, this includes the end game boss.

So technicaly you use fire magic to kill, diplomacy to advance through and beat the game and healing for some extra help, the bulk of your skills should be in fire magic and diplomacy though.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 2:44 pm
by Skuld
Thanks, that's kind of what I was looking for. I would like to have a mage, but hate waiting around for mana to regenerate. I do recall however when playing a non-mage that there's a whole lot of spirit energy or whatever you call it out there that I never used. And in this game where it's possible I was really keen to the concept of being able to talk your way through anything. I'll give it a try. And if I'm successful or not I'll let you know how it went.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 2:54 pm
by Volk
Yea thats what i found out myself, as a fighter you have too many mana souls around as a mage you have just enough if you play it right.

Basicaly that meens only using your level 1 fire spell whenever possibile, other ones look tempting but they waste a lot of mana and its not worth it.

I only used the other spells when i was sure to die if i didnt mostly against huge groups of monsters.

You cant really talk your way out of most battles unfortunatly just the ones which are very hard, such as the devas and the major bosses, you unfortunatly still have to fight some hard things but patiance is all thats needed.

Oh and the lightning gole from Montilaux ( ugh sp? ) works as a wonderful companion and you can heal it with divine fortitude, but i didnt find that worth the tag, it will take a bit but you can heal it with 4 or 5 points in the branch.

When i played through the game i joined the wielders and the knights of saladin.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 4:26 pm
by Skuld
Well I've started him up and started clearing some of the wilderness areas. wasps, wolves, and vodyanoi are easy, Ramon the laughing thief got talked into leaving, but I'm finding the goblins unusually difficult. It I face any more than one at a time I wind up having to use circle of fire, and even then they do their fair share of damage. I usually end up having to absorb nearby souls while my offensive spells are recharging to stay alive. I'm presently level 5. Her's how m build came out: stats(pre gifted) in the following order str, per, end, cha, int, agi, luc... 3, 9, 4, 9, 9, 4, 3. I was a sylvant with fiery ancestry. I chose skilled and gifted. And for tag skills I chose thought: fire, tribal: protective, and thieving: diplomacy. What do you think?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 6:25 pm
by Volk
That should work, perception is easy to get, i just usualy put 10 in perception/inteligence/charisma because ( at least pre patches ) its possibile to have more then 10 in one stat so i ended up with about 13 perception by the end, otherwise its the character i had.

Goblins are hard very hard so try to luer one away at a time otherwise dragonfire or whatever the second level spell is called works wonder, if you really have problems then use a circle of fire then use dragonfire.

The trick is to use combinations of spells to aviod the timer if your having a hard time otherwise stick to the first level spell. Circle of fire and dragonfire works nice against packs, circle of fire and the first level fire spell works nice against a single though monster, circle of fire and fireball just devastates everything.

Oh and try to get a plate mail and a large shield, use a sword with it, or something untill you get a wand, which wont be for some time, use a helmet if you want i didnt just for looks, but its a free choice. the guide here at gamebanshee is good too.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 6:36 pm
by Skuld
I actually found a swoard that gives me 20 find traps and 10 pick locks, and that's what i'm using. I should work on getting a ridiculously large shield and some good armour too. At the momment I only have hard leather armour and a small shield. I also have basic bracers (+1 AC). At level-ups I'm putting 5 points each into my tag skills (diplomacy, fire, and protective) and I'm putting the other 4 into lockpick. How does that sound?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 6:43 pm
by Volk
You shouldnt put lockpick or anything in any other skills besides diplomacy and fire magic, tribal magic should be put when you have like an odd skill count, majoraty should be in fire magic and then when it reaches a high level start pumping diplomacy.

Fire magic was around 350 for me at the end and diplomacy was around 250, i had about 70 in tribal protective.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 7:19 pm
by Skuld
Well that settles that. I'll be putting the majority of points in fire magic for a while. That should solve my problem with the goblins.