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Stuck in Asylum Dream Sequence
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2000 10:03 am
by timber71
In the Asylum Dream sequence, I talk to Imoen, and per her instructions, go back out and lure Bhaal back inside. However, I still can't kill him - he stays at "Near Death" the whole time.
Imoen just stands there, and when I talk to her she says she will "join wills with mine" and that she knows weakness of creature.
What am I missing???
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2000 10:36 am
by Bill
What type of character do you use?Is he strong enough (in melee or as a spellcaster?)
I had played with a kavalier as my PC and as far as i remember Bhaal was not that tough.He hardly make a hit (my AC was about -9).Imoen did not interfere in any way in the fighting.She says something (no spoilers here) after you kill Bhaal.
I am not so helpful,so if someone had passed this sequence another way,it would be a good idea to reply.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2000 11:20 am
by Bordin_Steelaxe
You need to get the Bhaal creature to Imoen and fight it "in her sight". At some point the creature will give up, but Imoen will never interfere.
Bordin Steelaxe
The greatest Dwarf in history!... with an axe of steel
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2000 1:06 pm
by Nighthawk
Imoen doesn't directly help, but if you aren't by her you can't take the creature past Near Death (sort of like with the Empathic Manifestation if you try to kill it normally).
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2000 3:58 pm
by timber71
Thanks to all, but I figured it out. I had to go back to a slightly earlier saved game and replay the initial entrance to the Asylum. I recoginized the co-ordinator's voice as Irenicus', so I attacked him early. Since I didn't meet up with Imoen before the dream, I guess it wouldn't let me advance beyond that.