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PC alignment change discovery

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2000 5:12 pm
by Lucian
ive discovered that alignment changes can happen in bg2..going beserk on sarevok with my paladin in the test of wrath caused my char to go neutral evil when placing the tear..and when i tried the evil way in the selfishness test i lost my paladin status...good thing i had a save from before doing any of the teory is that if you do things in the tests that doesnt fits with your alignment..your alignment changes towards it

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2000 9:30 am
by Memnoch
That's the whole point of those tests. it would have been good if you had put down possible spoiler in your heading by the way. I've beaten the game but other people might not want to know that info and might just hop into the message the way i did. Just a comment Image

My name is Memnoch...Memnoch the Devil. I have been waiting for you for a VERY long time...

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2000 3:57 pm
by Cloud
yeah like i just did Image