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Where is the code book?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 3:07 am
by cgstrom
From the Mages Guilds in Balmora I got a quest to find a code book in the South Wall but can't find it. In the South Wall Corner Club there is a person who should know anything about the book but ske will not talk to me about the book. Where is it?
Greetings: cgstrom

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:33 am
by Lonelypilgrim
Just bribe her and she´ll give u the book.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:56 pm
by Sean The Owner
its the first person you see when you walk in i think...sotilde is it?just bribe her or kill her

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:39 pm
by Opalescence
I often say this, but sadly (and admittedly, very stupidly) have never actually personally tested it. The Code Book Quest is an oft-repeated "problem" here in the Morrowind Forums. The main problem is that killing the person holding the code book would apparently (I say apparently because I don't know, since I've never actually joined the thieve's guild) make advancing in the Thieve's guild impossible beyond a certain point, because a key Theive's Guild NPC would be dead. I'm not sure if bribing works, it might, but I had an Imperial who used Voice of the Emperor and got the lady's disposition up to 88, she still wouldn't give it to me, so...

Apparently, if you go to Ald'Ruhn, the fighter's guild quest-giver dude there can solve your problem without needing to kill the lady. Once again this is UNCONFIRMED, so don't quote me on this :D . Still, if you plan on joining the Thieve's Guild you might consider at least talking to that guy to find out if he can solve the problem without having to murder the lady. Also, apparently if you're extremely high in the thieve's guild, one of the Thieve's guild quests actually negates the Code Book quest (as in, once you solve the Thieve's guild quest, the Code Book quest is automatically "solved" for you and you can go on to the next one).

Then again, if you never planned on having anything to do with the thieve's guild, then go ahead and slaughter the lady (just remember to taunt her into attacking you first, this is especially important for you because you're not in the thieve's guild so you can't get bounties removed).

Once again, I have not tried the bribery method, but like I said I got her dispo to 88 and she still wouldn't give it to me ... maybe it needs to be 90+, or it could also be because I was also in the thieve's guild, because she mentioned something about, "Where do your loyalties lie," or something like that. Maybe if you weren't a member of the thieve's guild at the time you get the quest, you could bribe the lady to give you the book without any trouble...

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 9:51 pm
by Haradrim

Jump on the table behind her, make sure she is facing away from you and sneak. When you get the sneak icon indicating you are sneaking, open her inventory till you see the code book and snatch it. ;)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:49 am
by Rookierookie
If you're not in the Thieves' guild it is easy, just bribe her.

If you're in the guild, do as Opal says.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:02 pm
by [DecoY]
bribe her to 100, then ask about it...
it's very simple...

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 6:29 am
by Rane
If you are in the thieves guild you can't get the code book by bribing her. I know since I've done this quest multiple times. Asking about the code book will make her ask to whom you are loyal. And going to Ald-Ruhn and speaking with Percius Mercius, "quest-giver" and guardian of the Fighters Guild in Ald-Ruhn, won't help. He will simply say "I see nothing wrong with these orders. Just try not to kill Sottilde while getting the code book".

The only way to solve this problem would be to do all Eydis Fire-Eye's missions before joining the Thieves Guild, killing Sottilde, pick-pocketing her or using the console to either spawn the code book or fooling the journal.
Normally I skip all Eydis Fire-Eye's missions. I choose not to work for a person like her :P

The commands for using the console as a solution are as follows:
player->AddItem "bk_sottildescodebook" 1 (for the code book)
Journal "FG_Sottilde" 100 (for the journal entry)

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 5:19 am
by mr_sir
Ok, I'll put this in this thread cos its a similar thing. the prob is when I go to pickpocket the thief with the codebook, the book is not in her inventory so i can't take it. any ideas? i've talked to her first about the book, i've double checked i had the quest etc. but the book just isn't there. ideally i don't want to use codes to get it but i will do if nobody has any other suggestions.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 10:24 am
by Greg.
Taunting her and then killing her does not get you expelled. I don't remember her being used in any quests...

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 10:28 am
by mr_sir
that's what i did in the end lol - managed to kill her with no repurcussions at all. just kinda hoping she didn't have quests later on

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:16 pm
by auto7890
there is no code book !!!!

[QUOTE=Haradrim]Jump on the table behind her, make sure she is facing away from you and sneak. When you get the sneak icon indicating you are sneaking, open her inventory till you see the code book and snatch it. ;) [/QUOTE]
This quest is a total pain in the a**. I am a member of the theives and Percius Mercius told me not to kill her. Even when my disposition with her is 100, the Bi*** will not hand over the book.

The weird thing is when I see what she is carrying ,it says only a mace and 2 swords, but no code book. If I do kill her, then I see she is carying the code book.

What the fu** is going on ????? :(

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:49 pm
by fable
At a guess, you're going to lose your posting privileges for a week, because despite the many warnings put up here, you completely ignored this part of the forum rules you agreed to when you signed up:

#3 - Profanity and/or sexually explicit posts are unacceptable. Purposely posting profanity in a way as to avoid our filter will not be tolerated. In extreme cases, we may even file complaints with your ISP or hosting company.

Some of those asterisks in your post weren't even system-generated. :rolleyes: Way over the line.

Our host has shut down general admission boards just like this one thanks to net nannies, and we're not going to be another victim because you feel like impressing folks with your vocabulary. And for the record, I could probably burn the hair off your ears with mine, but I'm not about to do it when GameBanshee needs to keep around.

See you in a week.