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How many quests would you tackle in Chp 2?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:01 am
by Brookster
Hi all

am steaming my way through a variety of quests in Chp 2 at the moment, and really enjoying them [on my first ever play through]... but wondered what everyone's opinion was regarding how much exp. you need before moving on to chapter 3?

Once I join the shadow theives [I've kind of already decided I prefer them - they're good, right?] does this cut off the ability to continue old quests? I mean, at what point do I stop being allowed back to the city to continue quests?

And finally [sorry!] just wondered - how many quests do you guys generally do? Is it usual to try and compete /everything/ or do most players take a pretty linear route through the game?

Look forward to reading your replies

[cool forum, by the way, big ups to the moderators and members for creating such a fun place to discuss such a fun game]

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:34 am
by Luis Antonio
Well, chapter two may be abandoned right away. Get the cash,pay the man and go. Chapter 3 has the same quests. Avoid going soon to the chapter four (you get the ship with Saemon, you'll understand when you get there).

There are quests on both sides - Bodhi will give you some evil tasks, while the thieves will give you, hm... lesser evil tasks, such as defending positions and stuff. I prefer the thieves myself, but both are nice. The rewards are good, and the thieves give you a better item, IMO.

Always completing everything is the best way to rocknroll on BG. There are even mods that complicate and add extra stuff to do. Dont worry, we are all addicted... :D

And I'm not a mod, but welcome to the forums. I like it here too, them people are nice and trolls are kept away. :)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:41 am
by Thrain
there are different ways to do it. but as this appears to be an early playthrough, i would advise doing a couple of the bigger quests (talk to nalia in the copper coronet, flydian at the gates, renal bloodscalp and tolgerias) to get a decent amount of exp. before moving on.

hardcore roleplayers get their money and go (trademeet should suffice), as Imoen would be main priority for the PC, but you can play it any way you like.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:55 am
by glenfar
It really is personal preference. My first time through, I did every side-quest I could find (I did miss a few as it turns out), because I was afraid I wouldn't have the opportunity later, and didn't want to miss out on anything. Note that you do return to the city later, but it was a bit of a surprise for me when SOA ended, so don't leave things too long if you want to do them.

For me, after my first trip through with a party, I tried a few solo trips. Those I only did the quests that gave me some nice item I wanted. But solo you level up so much faster, so it doesn't really make sense to do all the side quests. I'm now starting with another party, and planning to do all the quests again (and more, as I have some mods installed now).

And of course, you can always go through the game a second (third, fourth, fifth, ...) time, and try the quests you missed the first time ... :D

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:27 pm
by SP101
You can start chatper 3 right now, but don't go in chapter four after you have completed at least 4 or 5 Major Quests (Windspear Hills, Umar Hills, Planar Sphere, Copper Coronet, Nalia's Keep, Trademeet and the Planar Prison). Thoses quests will give you enough XP and good items to go through Chapter 4 and 5. (You won't get alot of items in Chapter 4).

By the way, wich class is your Principal Character? You could also do your "Stronghold Quest". It's a class-related quest. By exemple, a bard can control of a theater, while a warrior will control a Keep.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:31 pm
by krunchyfrogg
It all depends on your party composition, and if you plan on taking Imoen with you or not.

I don't think it's much of a spoiler to say that you have the opportunity to get Imoen back if you want to. You already know that to get her back, you'll have to side with the Shadow Thieves.

If you want her back, gaining levels and experience, the sooner you leave the better. If you want an easier time after you've gotten ahold of Imoen, complete more quests in chapters 2 and 3.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:24 am
by Brynn
Well, all important thigns were mentioned above, I only have one thing to add: never hurry, try to complete as much quests you can so that playing time will be longer :) You will be soooo depressed when it ends, I tell you. (But don't worry, that's far form the point where you are now.)

It's always best to do as much as you can. Who would refuse a pretty amount of cash for some killing (which is fun anyway :) ), or loads of xp that will help you get stronger? So GO ON! :)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:17 am
by Brookster
thanks guys for all the advice; I'm a kensai dualled to mage, and I've got my strong hold. I've also done a few quests now, but I hadn't given any thought to levelling up Imoen - that's a really important point... here I am giving tonnes to experiece to bloody Aerie!

Ok - onwards to chapter 3 then. Didn't realise, by the way that if I didn't go with Shadow theives, I wouldn't be able to get Imoen...

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:18 am
by fable
You can either move ahead quickly through chapters 3 and 4, then return to do all the chapter 2 quests you ignored, or deal with 'em in thoroughly, chapter by chapter. It's entirely up to you. You return to Baldur's Gate, so you can always pick up where you left off (except where some of your party member's individual quests are concerned; those are timed).

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:24 am
by Brynn
Brook, are you saying that if I side with Bodhi, I won't be able to save Imoen...? I never tried that way.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:03 am
by fable
Whatever you do with Bodhi will in no way affect your ability to save Imoen.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:31 am
by Brookster
[QUOTE=Brynn]Brook, are you saying that if I side with Bodhi, I won't be able to save Imoen...? I never tried that way.[/QUOTE]

I think that was Krunchyfrog, not me:

<quote>"You already know that to get her back, you'll have to side with the Shadow Thieves."</q>

I didn't have a clue!

I think Fable has cleared this up now...


Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:36 am
by Brynn
[QUOTE=Brookster] Didn't realise, by the way that if I didn't go with Shadow theives, I wouldn't be able to get Imoen...[/QUOTE]


Anyway, you're right, it's clear now :)


Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:10 pm
by Deathknight
I will play devil's advocate here and say while if you get Imoen back earlier you can level her up, but if you do intend to do most of the side quests you might not find them as challenging by the time you get back and have leveled up your party. Really its all personal preference of course, I had a great time my first time playing just doing the side quests. Make sure you have had your fill of them before you move on to chapter 4 is all I would recommend.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:57 pm
by JackOfClubs

With regard to leveling Imoen: she partly levels up in your absence (I think the maximum level she will be when you find her is 13). So if you are trying to optimize her levels, go to chapter 3 about the time when your party is nearing the level 12 mark. This will account for the quests you have to do in Ch 3 & 4 which can provide a fair amount of experience. If you get her too early, she will level up along with your party but you will have to divide the XP 6 ways rather than 5. On the other hand, if you have Yoshi you will waste less XP on him if you get her early.

Not really a major consideration in my book. I usually get Imoen early just because it seems the right thing to do. I generally do Renal's quest (because you can't do it after Ch 2) and Korgan's (because he will not join with you if your rep goes too high, and his quest is more difficult if you wait to Ch 6). If I am not playing a thief, I also do the stronghold quest. At this point there is usually enough cash to go to Ch 3 which is where I also do the Kangaax and Twisted Rune quests. Kangaax requires starting the Unseeing Eye, but I usually wait till Ch 6 to finish it.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:46 pm
by krunchyfrogg
[QUOTE=Brookster]I think that was Krunchyfrog, not me:

<quote>"You already know that to get her back, you'll have to side with the Shadow Thieves."</q>

I didn't have a clue!

I think Fable has cleared this up now...


My statement came out wrong, sorry for the confusion. I meant that he already had decided to join with the ST's.

[QUOTE=Brynn]Well, all important thigns were mentioned above, I only have one thing to add: never hurry, try to complete as much quests you can so that playing time will be longer :) You will be soooo depressed when it ends, I tell you. (But don't worry, that's far form the point where you are now.)

It's always best to do as much as you can. Who would refuse a pretty amount of cash for some killing (which is fun anyway :) ), or loads of xp that will help you get stronger? So GO ON! :) [/QUOTE]

But you can do the quests when you get back later on...

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:21 pm
by Deathknight
But you can do the quests when you get back later on...[/QUOTE]

You certainly can, although its really not all that thrilling going up against some easy mobs and throwing around timestops and horrid wiltings.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:02 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Deathknight]You certainly can, although its really not all that thrilling going up against some easy mobs and throwing around timestops and horrid wiltings.[/QUOTE]

Difficulty level Insane or playing tactics after the return.

No more words.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:50 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=Deathknight]You certainly can, although its really not all that thrilling going up against some easy mobs and throwing around timestops and horrid wiltings.[/QUOTE]

The game adjusts the battles in some areas to fit your party's level. For example, the Umar Hills opponents (not to give too much away) will not be the same if your party's hit the later chapters before tackling it and returned. There will be much tougher ones present, and lesser ones in greater numbers.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 3:45 pm
by krunchyfrogg
There are tons of added Liches on a lot of quests if you do them in Chapter 6.

Besides, from a roleplaying point of view, how can you let your sister get tortured over at Spellhold while you're accept quests to clear monsters from people's estates and castles?